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来源: 时间:2024-08-20 14:53:31 浏览量:

v.突出; 强调; 将(文本的某部分)用彩笔做标记; 将(计算机屏幕的某区域)增强亮度; 使醒目; 挑染(将部分头发染成浅色)



VERB 使突出;强调;使注意If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless...去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

Once again, the 'Free Press' prefers not to highlight these facts...“自由新闻”组织再次故意不去突出强调这些事实。

Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent days.两起事件进一步凸显了最近一段时间的紧张局势。

VERB (用荧光笔)标出;(在计算机屏幕上)突出显示To highlight a piece of text means to mark it in a different colour, either with a special type of pen or on a computer screen.Highlight the chosen area by clicking and holding down the left mouse button.点击并摁住鼠标左键将所选区域高亮显示。

...the relevant maps with the route highlighted in yellow.用黄色荧光笔标出路线的相关地图

N-COUNT 最有趣(或最精彩、最重要)的部分The highlights of an event, activity, or period of time are the most interesting or exciting parts of it....a match that is likely to prove one of the highlights of the tournament...可能是本次联赛中最精彩的比赛之一

The highlight of my day used to be cooking Meg a meal when she came in from work...过去,我一天中最有意思的事就是在梅格下班回到家时为她做顿饭。

I don't want to watch the game now. I'll just wait till the highlights come on later tonight.我现在不想看比赛。我要等到今晚晚些时候好戏上演的时候再看。

挑染的头发;(头发经阳光照射后产生强光效果的)浅色部分Highlights in a person's hair are narrow lighter areas made by dyeing or sunlight.


Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless 去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent days. 两起事件进一步凸显了最近一段时间的紧张局势。

In the table, we've highlighted the requirements that are most applicable to our scenario. 在这张表中,我们突出显示了最适用于我们的方案的需求。

The detected product numbers in this example are also highlighted in the search result. 在这个示例中,探测到的产品号还会在搜索结果中突出显示。

The main reason is that differences and problems between China and Europe are often artificially amplified and highlighted. 究其原因,主要是中欧之间的分歧和问题往往被人为地放大和突出了。

Underlying problems in the application of immunoassay are highlighted and future trends of immunoassay development postdated. 探讨了免疫分析技术存在的问题和免疫分析的未来发展趋势。

This is another section that has been highlighted in a red box. 这是红色的框中突出的另一个部分。

The following aspects are highlighted because of their importance and criticality for commissioning activities. 应强调以下方面,因为其在试车活动中的重要性和关键性。

In terms of science, participants highlighted scientific capacity, infrastructure and collaboration as important. 就科学而言,这些调研参与者们强调了科学能力、基础条件和协作的重要性。

I have highlighted a few examples today. 我今天已着重介绍了一些实例。

I have highlighted the last point which is quite important. 我强调最后一点也很重要。

Staff highlighted differences in the problems most commonly faced by younger children and adolescents. 医务人员突出强调了年幼儿童和青少年在面临的最常见问题上的差异。

His speech highlighted the need for educational reform. 他的演讲强调了教育改革的必要性。

Other recent studies have highlighted both positive and negative effects of caffeine consumption. 近期的其它一些研究突出说明了喝咖啡带来的积极作用和消极作用。

He highlighted the steel and automobiles sectors as examples. 他着重指出了钢铁和汽车行业的例子。

This trend was highlighted this week by the industry's largest ever offshore acquisition. 本周,该行业有史以来最大的一次离岸收购突显出了这一趋势。

The earthquake has highlighted the country's lack of seismologists and seismological capacity, said Campos. Campos说,这场地震凸显了该国缺乏地震学家和地震学能力。

This highlighted yet again the importance of English learning in all aspects of the curriculum. 这又一次突显了英语学习在整个课程各个方面所占据的重要性。

The problems encountered and the development of anode materials used in EMD production were briefly highlighted. 详尽地讨论了电解二氧化锰生产中所遇到的问题以及电解用阳极材料的发展和应用。

The crisis has also highlighted the importance of deposits as a stable source of funding. 本轮危机还突显了储蓄作为一种稳定的资金来源的重要性。

Obama highlighted that experience in his speech. 奥巴马在他的演说中强调了这项资历。

This problem was highlighted in her book. 她的书突出阐述了这个问题。

It highlighted human capital and the living environment as pivotal to its development. 它强调人力资本和生活环境是其发展之关键。

But China's vocal online bloggers expressed anger at the priorities highlighted by the rescue. 但中国各大门户网中的博客中对于救援的大力度优先(报道)的作法表示了愤怒。

Huq also highlighted what he sees as a crucial part of the initiative. Huq还强调了他认为的该计划最重要的组成部分。

Highlighted the main features of the present and the synthesis of functional and chiral imidazole ionic liquid method. 重点介绍了目前主要的功能化和手性咪唑离子液体合成方法。

But Uganda's problems were also highlighted. 但是与会者也强调了乌干达的问题。

However, due to various factors and the impact of the constraints, more and more problems are highlighted. 然而,由于受到各种因素的制约和影响,越来越多的问题也突显出来。

But the survey has highlighted some of the challenges facing science reporting in developing countries. 但是这项调查也凸显了发展中国家科学报道面临的一些挑战。

This TV-inspired experiment has highlighted a classic management problem. 这段缘起电视节目的体验,突显了一个典型的管理问题。

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