英 [kən'kluːʒ(ə)n] 美 [kən'kluʒn]
结论结论(Conclusion): 结论是整篇论文的收尾,收尾要收的漂亮就要简洁有力,太过冗长一样失去它的意义,因此结论与摘要是非常相似的两个部分。
conclusion 短语
in conclusion 最后 ; 总之 ; 在结束时 ; 末了
expert conclusion 鉴定结论 ; 专家结论 ; 判定结论 ; 鉴定论断
audit conclusion [审计] 审核结论 ; [审计] 审计结论 ; 稽核结论 ; 结局
assessment conclusion 评定结论
Silent Conclusion 无言的结局
conclusion n 结尾 ; 结论 ; 缔结
tentative conclusion 暂时结论
Conclusion paragraph 结尾段
Conclusion swing 结束摇摆
in conclusion 总之;最后
draw a conclusion 得出结论;作结论
come to a conclusion 得出结论;告终
come to the conclusion 得出结论
draw the conclusion 得出结论;推断
conclusion 例句学习
What do you base this conclusion on? 你凭什么得出这个结论?
No conclusion should be drawn before all the facts are buttoned down. 所有事实弄清以前, 不应该下任何结论。
The investigation led up to the conclusion that the plan was practicable. 调查的结论是这个方案是可行的。
The conclusion stood on some uncertain matters, so it's wrong. 该项结论基于几项待证实的情况,因此,该结论是错误的。
What do we make of this conclusion? 我们是如何理解这个结论的?
Disagree with our conclusion? 不同意我的结论?
Then they back that conclusion with a bet. 然后他们就在这个结论上赌一把。
What is my conclusion? 我的结论是什么?
I wonder who makes this decision and how they come to their conclusion. 我想知道是谁做的这个决定,他们又是如何得出的结论。
But I can understand why one might come to that conclusion. 但是我可以理解为什么有人会得出那样的结论。
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