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来源: 时间:2024-08-20 15:30:27 浏览量:





(书籍、电影等的)审查员,审查官a person whose job is to examine books, films/movies, etc. and remove parts which are considered to be offensive, immoral or a political threat


删剪(书籍、电影等中被认为犯忌、违反道德或政治上危险的内容)to remove the parts of a book, film/movie, etc. that are considered to be offensive, immoral or a political threat

The news reports had been heavily censored .这些新闻报道已被大幅删剪。


VERB 审查,检查(书信或媒体)If someone in authority censors letters or the media, they officially examine them and cut out any information that is regarded as secret.The military-backed government has heavily censored the news.有军方撑腰的政府对新闻进行了严格审查。

N-COUNT (书信或媒体的)审查官,监察员A censor is a person who has been officially appointed to examine letters or the media and to cut out any parts that are regarded as secret.The report was cleared by the American military censors.那篇报道得到美国军方审查官的批准。

VERB 审查,检查(书刊、戏剧或电影等)If someone in authority censors a book, play, or film, they officially examine it and cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral or inappropriate.The Late Show censored the band's live version of 'Bullet In The Head'...《深夜秀》节目删掉了乐队的《爆头》现场版。

ITV companies tend to censor bad language in feature films.独立电视公司一般都会删掉故事片里的脏话。

N-COUNT (书刊、戏剧或电影)审查官,检查员A censor is a person who has been officially appointed to examine plays, films, and books and to cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral....the British Board of Film Censors.英国电影审查委员会


The military-backed government has heavily censored the news. 有军方撑腰的政府对新闻进行了严格审查。

The report was cleared by the American military censors. 那篇报道得到美国军方审查官的批准。

The Late Show censored the band's live version of 'Bullet In The Head' 《深夜秀》节目删掉了乐队的《爆头》现场版。

ITV companies tend to censor bad language in feature films. 独立电视公司一般都会删掉故事片里的脏话。

Linda Gradstein has this report from Jerusalem, which was cleared by an Israeli censor 琳达·格拉德斯坦的这份报道来自耶路撒冷,它已经通过了以色列方面的审查。

The film came under the ban of censor. 该影片被审查官员禁止上映。

A white censor was standing over me. 有一个白人监察官在监视着我。

Why, then, is it trying to secretly censor the Internet? 那么,它为何又要试图秘密地审查互联网呢?

I also understand that this response of prejudice is the birth of what we call the "me" or the censor. 我也明白了,这偏见的反应催生了我们所谓的“我”或者审查官。

Washington's report this week detailed China's increased attempts to control and censor the Internet and tighten restrictions on the media and freedom of speech. 华盛顿这星期的报告详述了中国加强了对因特网的管理,收紧了对媒体和自由访谈类节目的限制。

Will the play pass the censor? 那个剧本会通过检查吗?

So analysis implies the analyser who is the censor. 所以,分析隐含着作为审查官的分析者。

There is an urgent need to censor the net to remove inappropriate materials which children have online access to. 现在迫切需要监督网络,以消除孩子可以在网上看到的不当材料。

Also, the company said it is no longer willing to censor search results as required by Chinese law. 另外,谷歌还称不再根据中国法律要求对搜索结果进行审查。

Several words have been deleted from the article by the censor. 那篇文章中有好几个字被新闻检查官删去了。

The abolition of the Lord chancellor's power to censor plays. 大法官检查戏剧权的废除。

Or the obscenity laws may be used as a pretext to censor other material. 有关“淫秽”的法律也可能被用作禁止其他材料的借口。

There's plenty of content and opinion, more than one entity could censor. 网上有大量的内容和观点,超出一个机构进行审查的能力范围。

Reports have said the service helps MTN censor the news, but Huawei denies it sells any equipment that can do this. 有报道称,该项服务帮助mtn对新闻进行审查,但华为否认自己出售能够进行此类操作的任何设备。

The centre being the censor, the one who judges. 这中心就是审查官,他评判。

Some netizens noted with a touch of irony the fact that the chief censor was now being censored himself. 一位网民讽刺地说,现在就连“首席网络审查员”自己都被审查了。

They didn't only censor, they also helped out. 他们不但检查,而且还帮忙解决了问题。

Chinese internet companies employ hundreds of staff to monitor and censor content. 中国互联网企业因此雇用了成千上百的人手来监控和审查内容。

Yes, directing users to Hong Kong means Google does not censor search results itself. 没错,将用户转接至香港网站意味着谷歌不再对搜索结果进行自我审查。

They say the government could use it to censor the Web and control the flow of information. 他们表示,政府可能会利用该法案来对网络进行审查,并控制信息的流动。

The imperial censor's indiscreet conducts was countenanced by the hawk immediately. 帝国检查员轻率行为立即得到了鹰派成员的肯定。

Yet the world's biggest censor has been unable to keep a lid on what happened. 然而世界上最大的网络审查系统也没能掩盖发生过的事情。

Believe it or not they censor your letters here. 信不信由你,他们这里是要检查信件的。

This house would censor the internet. 应该对互联网实施审查。

For this deal, it appears that Microsoft will censor English-language Bing search results in China. 这笔交易中,微软可能针审查中国的英语Bing搜索结果。



a person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable

someone who censures or condemns


subject to political, religious, or moral censorship

This magazine is censored by the government

forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper)


TAG: censors

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