(旧时宅院的)男仆,门房,侍者a male servant in a house in the past, who opened the door to visitors, served food at table, etc.
(负责开门或上菜的)男仆,侍者A footman is a male servant who typically does jobs such as opening doors or serving food, and who often wears a special uniform.
The footman and two porters began to load luggage onto the carriage. 仆人和两个脚夫开始把行李抬上马车。
It was opened by another footman in livery, with a round face, and large eyes like a frog; and both footmen, Alice noticed, had powdered hair that curled all over their heads. 另一个穿着制服,长着圆脸庞和像青蛙一样大眼睛的仆人开了门,爱丽丝注意到这两个仆人,都戴着涂了脂的假发。
'Anything you like,' said the Footman, and began whistling. 你想干什么就干什么?仆人说服就吹起口哨来了。
Do you know which corner of a visiting card you must fold when leaving it with a footman in order to indicate that you have called on to inquire after the master's health? 你知不知道当你把拜访卡留与仆人时,为了暗示你来拜访过主人给他请安,你必须折叠拜访卡的哪一角?
The footman, distributing copies of Kutuzov's cantata, laid a copy by Pierre, as one of the more honoured guests. 仆人正在把那库图佐夫的大合唱曲分发给客人,把一张搁在更受人尊重的贵宾皮埃尔面前。
While a footman lighted a candle, Toll told the drift of the news. 听差点蜡烛时,托尔讲述了消息的内容。
Though not before he had whispered something, on the door mat, to the footman, in which there was the phrase 'old fashioned' for Paul heard it. What could that old fashion be, that seemed to make the people sorry! 虽然在这之前他走到门口擦鞋的棕垫那里时曾向男仆低声说了几句话,其中有老气这两个字&因为保罗听到了。
The footman and the cook have been walking out for several months now. 男仆和厨师在一起已有好几个月了。
There's no sort of use in knocking,'said the Footman,'and that for two reasons. 目前没有使用敲排序,'霍文说,'这有两个原因。
And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker. 我曾眼见永恒的守门人接过我的大衣,然后窃笑。
I am ny own footman and parlour-maid for the moment 目前我是我自己的男仆和客厅待女
The count rang, and a footman appeared. 伯爵拉了一下铃,一个跟班应声而至。
Suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood. 突然有一个穿制服的听差从树林里跑出来。
The footman obeyed his orders. 仆人按他的吩咐去行事了。
He earned his living during this period, working as everything from footman to assistant to an ambassador. 为了生计,他做过好多事,从男仆、助手到大使。
She sat down and accepted a glass from the footman. 她坐下来,从仆人手里接过杯子。
An old footman and two young ones were playing cards. 一个老头子和两个年轻的仆人正在打纸牌。
He's the first footman, and you wanna watch where he puts his hands. 他是长随,你可以看着他放。
He saw her, encircled by mother, footman, maid, and porter, take her seat and drive away. 他看见她被她母亲、马车夫、女仆和脚夫簇拥着,坐上车,走了。
He picked up his glass and emptied it, and the footman came forward to refill it. 他拿起酒杯,一饮而尽后侍从又为他斟满。
He was at cuffs with a brother footman. 他正与一位弟兄打斗。
At the corners of four streets he hands his pasteboard to the North Wind, footman of the mansion of All Outdoors, so that the inhabitants thereof may make ready. 在十字街头,他把名片交给户外大厦的信使北风,好让住户们有个准备。
Week of footman: double growth for footme and wordsmen. 步兵周:步兵与剑士产量加倍。
At last one old footman came out with a wrathful air, and announced to the Rostovs that the prince was not receiving, but the princess begged them to walk up. 后来有一个怒形于色的老仆役走来禀告罗斯托夫家里人,说公爵不能接见,公爵小姐请他们到她面前去。
The wife of footman bansaku Kariya to come and feed her twice a day. 早文的妻子一天给她喂两次奶。
The Prince and his footman went from house to house of all the ladies invited to the ball. 王子和男仆挨家挨户的寻找受邀参加舞会的小姐们。
I had been a footman for20 years. 我曾做过20年的听差。
Burrell, formerly personal footman to Queen Elizabeth, had worked for the royal family for some 21 years. 伯勒尔曾是伊丽莎白女王的男仆,已经为王室工作了约21年。
A liveried male servant; a footman. 穿特殊制服的男仆;
And its using realm become bigger and bigger, from I/ C engines of civil grass cutter, automobile and City generator sets, to driving power of military footman chariot, tank and naval ships. 应用领域不断扩大,从民品的家用割草机、汽车和城市发电机组的内燃机,到军品的步兵战车、坦克和海军舰艇的推进动力。
a man employed as a servant in a large establishment (as a palace) to run errands and do chores
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