This is one wild tale.
An Argentine woman rescued a cuddly abandoned kitten — only to learn two months later that the new pet was actually a wild puma.
Florencia Lobo said she and her brother found the furry feline along with another young kitten next to a dead adult in the Tucuman Province in northwestern Argentina and took them both home.
“We thought that it was an abandoned cat who had given birth,” she told Reuters.
One of the kittens was too weak and didn’t survive, but the second, a male, made it through the ordeal. Lobo nursed him back to health and named him Tito.
Two months later she took Tito to the vet for a checkup and got an unexpected prognosis.
“The vet didn’t know what it was but said it was not a normal cat,” Lobo said.
At the vet’s recommendation, she took Tito to the Horco Molle nature reserve, where staffers confirmed that the cat was a jaguarundi, a small wild cat found in South American and southern North America.
Tito now calls the nature reserve home.
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