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n.句法; 句法规则; 语构



句法;句法规则the way that words and phrases are put together to form sentences in a language; the rules of grammar for this

句法;语构the rules that state how words and phrases must be used in a computer language


N-UNCOUNT 句法规则;句法Syntax is the ways that words can be put together, or are put together, in order to make sentences.His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average.无论口头还是笔头,他的文法和句法都非常出众。


His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average. 无论口头还是笔头,他的文法和句法都非常出众。

PHP borrows much of the syntax and design of namespaces from other languages& most notably C++. PHP从其他语言中借鉴了很多名称空间的语法和设计&最突出的是C++。

First, it is unusual syntax in the Java language. 首先,它是Java语言中不寻常的语法。

Groovy is a best-of-breed language, shamelessly borrowing syntax and features from a variety of other languages and libraries. Groovy是一种优秀的语言,它从各种其他语言和库中借鉴了语法和功能。

Then I'll explain the thinking behind billing policy and the language and syntax used. 然后,我将解释账单策略背后的思想以及使用的语言和语法。

You will need to have a basic understanding of the XML syntax. 您需要对XML语法有基本理解。

The UI provides syntax highlighting, content assist, and syntax parsing. UI提供语法的高亮显示,内容帮助和语法解析。

Now I will explain the syntax of AOP and discuss how AOP can be applied to the process domain. 现在,我将解释面向方面的程序设计(AOP)的语法,并且讨论AOP如何能够被应用到过程域中。

Keyword syntax is explained in the description of the step table. 在步骤表格中的描述中解释了关键词语法。

Although this is not proper XPath syntax, the parentheses imply a different priority. 虽然这是不正确的XPath语法,但是括号暗示了不同的优先级。

XML's heritage lies in the document world, and this is reflected in its syntax rules. XML的传统来自文档世界,这在其语法规则中也得到反映。

In essence, metadata is information about data's structure ( syntax) and meaning ( semantics). 基本上,元数据是关于数据的结构(语法)和含义(语义)的信息。

Some of the common DBI conventions and syntax are listed in the table below. 下面的表中列出了一些常见的DBI约定和语法。

It provides a superset of Java features, but in a slightly different syntax. 它提供了一个Java特性超集,但是却使用了稍有不同的语法。

Those three characters form the opening sequence of JSP directive syntax. 这三个字符形成了JSP指令语法的开始序列。

Several new features expand the syntax and functionality of triggers on tables and on views. 一些新的特性扩展了表和视图上的触发器的语法和功能。

This time, you will fetch all of the import statements in the abstract syntax tree. 这一次,您可以读取抽象语法树中的所有导入声明了。

Study the syntax and structure of the document well. 好好研究该文档的语法和结构。

In this syntax example, you must either define a new column or define a new table-level constraint. 在这个语法示例中,必须定义一个新列或者定义一个表级约束。

It is the data syntax of JavaScript objects and arrays. 它是JavaScript对象和数组的数据语法。

With-syntax defines additional syntax elements that can be used in the transforming expression. with-syntax额外定义了一些语法元素,可以在转换表达式中使用。

The example is using the@ namespace syntax from the CSS Namespaces module. 示例使用了CSS名称空间模块中的@namespace语法。

This eliminates the need to look up the proper syntax from the manual, improving productivity. 这消除了从手册中查找正确语法的需要,从而提高了工作效率。

The fact that Groovy offers a concise Java-like syntax that also preserves Java semantics is pretty compelling. Groovy提供了类似Java的简明语法,同时保留了Java语义,这一点非常引人注目。

The interface surfaces some specifics of XML ( for example, the syntax differentiates between elements and attributes). 界面显示了XML的一些细节(例如,元素和属性之间的语法区别)。

WS-Policy provides a general purpose model and syntax to describe and communicate the policies of a Web service. WS-Policy提供了一个通用模型和语法,用于描述Web服务的策略及就此进行沟通。

This new syntax is supported in gcc. 这个新语法在gcc中也得到了支持。

You can validate either the syntax, the semantics, or both in the statements that you are creating. 您可以验证所编写语句的语法和语义。

UDDI now has standardized wildcard matching based on an SQL LIKE syntax. UDDI现在已经根据一种类似SQL的语法对通配符匹配进行了标准化。

Lift's snippets and models heavily exploit Scala's flexible syntax. Lift的片段和模型充分利用了灵活的Scala语法。



the grammatical arrangement of words in sentences

Synonym:sentence structurephrase structure

studies of the rules for forming admissible sentences

a systematic orderly arrangement

TAG: syntax

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