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来源: 时间:2024-08-20 16:35:50 浏览量:

n. 厩, 停车处, 牧师职位, 货摊, 托辞, 拖延
vt. 关入厩, 停顿, 推托, 支吾, 使陷于泥中
vi. 被关在厩内, 陷于泥中, 停止, 支吾
【化】 失控; 失速; 停车
【经】 货摊; 涨势受阻词型变化:
名词 stall:

a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed

small area set off by walls for special use同义词:booth, cubicle, kiosk

a booth where articles are displayed for sale同义词:stand, sales booth

a malfunction in the flight of an aircraft in which there is a sudden loss of lift that results in a downward plunge

seating in the forward part of the main level of a theater

small inpidual study area in a library同义词:carrel, carrell, cubicle

a tactic used to mislead or delay同义词:stalling

动词 stall:

postpone doing what one should be doing同义词:procrastinate, drag one's feet, drag one's heels, shillyshally, dilly-dally, dillydally

come to a stop同义词:conk

deliberately delay an event or action

put into, or keep in, a stall

experience a stall in flight, of airplanes

cause an airplane to go into a stall

cause an engine to stop


If you try to start off in top gear you'll stall.要是刚一发动就用最高挡,那就会熄火。

The car has an inclination to stall on cold mornings.这辆汽车天冷时早晨常常熄火。

The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat.开设市场摊位受市政法令管制。

The plane stalled suddenly.那飞机突然失控下降。

Every time I ask her to set the date she stalls.我每次请她定一个时间,她总是借故拖延。

Never buy food from a market stall.千万别在小摊上买食物。

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