
来源: 时间:2024-08-20 16:36:24 浏览量:

n. 骚动, 轰动, 搅动, 监狱
vt. 移动, 摇动, 激起, 惹起, 搅拌
vi. 走动, 传播, 搅拌
【化】 搅拌
【医】 搅拌, 搅动
not stir an eyelid
stir oneself
stir one's stumps
stir up sth
not stir a finger词型变化:
名词 stir:

a prominent or sensational but short-lived news event同义词:splash

emotional agitation and excitement

a rapid active commotion同义词:bustle, hustle, flurry, ado, fuss

动词 stir:

move an implement through with a circular motion

move very slightly同义词:shift, budge, agitate

stir feelings in同义词:stimulate, excite

stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of同义词:stimulate, shake, shake up, excite

affect emotionally同义词:touch

summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic同义词:raise, conjure, conjure up, invoke, evoke, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth

to begin moving, "As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir"同义词:arouse

mix or add by stirring


The news caused quite a stir in the village.那消息在村里引起了一片混乱。

Old memories stirred as she looked at the photographs.她看到这些照片,唤起了对往事的回忆。

There was a stir of excitement as she entered the theatre.她一走进剧院就引起了一阵兴奋。

She stirred the sugar into her coffee.她把糖搅和到咖啡里。

The story stirred her sympathy.这故事激起了她的同情心。

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