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n.(政治)庇护,避难; 精神病院




(政治)庇护,避难protection that a government gives to people who have left their own country, usually because they were in danger for political reasons

to seek/apply for/be granted asylum 寻求 / 申请 / 获准政治避难

There was a nationwide debate on whether the asylum laws should be changed.对是否应该修改政治避难法展开了一场全国性的大辩论。

精神病院a hospital where people who were mentally ill could be cared for, often for a long time


N-UNCOUNT (通常指政治)庇护,避难If a government gives a person from another country asylum, they allow them to stay, usually because they are unable to return home safely for political reasons.He applied for asylum in 1987 after fleeing the police back home.1987年他在本国逃脱警察追捕后,就申请了政治庇护。

精神病院An asylum is a psychiatric hospital.


He applied for asylum in 1987 after fleeing the police back home. 1987年他在本国逃脱警察追捕后,就申请了政治庇护。

Fewer than 7% of asylum seekers are accepted as political refugees. 寻求避难者中有不到7%的人被视作政治难民。

Nine Albanians have crossed the border into Greece and asked for political asylum 9名阿尔巴尼亚人穿过边境进入希腊境内并寻求政治避难。

France has agreed to grant him political asylum 法国已经同意给予他政治避难。

Gein did not stand trial but lived out his days in a mental asylum 盖因没有受审,但在一家精神病院度过了余生。

The Home Office said at that time that it was minded to reject his application for political asylum 那时候内政部称其准备驳回他的政治避难申请。

Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum 门多萨在要求获得政治庇护之前一直呆在这里。

Fewer than 10 percent of applicants are granted political asylum by German courts. 申请政治庇护者中,只有不到10%获得了德国法庭批准。

Spain has recalled its Ambassador after a row over refugees seeking asylum at the embassy 在对难民到使馆寻求庇护一事产生严重分歧后,西班牙召回了其大使。

Germany's asylum law is a relic of an era in European history which has passed 德国的收容法是欧洲历史上一个已逝去时期的遗留产物。

France had agreed to his request for political asylum 法国已经同意了他寻求政治庇护的请求。

It was rumoured that he had been interned in an asylum for a while. 据说他曾在一家精神病院关过一段时间。

The Convention set down rules for deciding which country should deal with an asylum request. 会议制定了用以确定由哪个国家负责受理避难请求的规约。

The government gave asylum to some extremists from across the border. 政府给予那些越过国境来的极端主义者以政治庇护。

He sought asylum in the church. 他到教堂避难。

Ecuador however, rose to stand and defend the human right to seek asylum. 然而厄瓜多尔却挺身而出,维护了了我寻求庇护的权利。

He said asylum laws may have influenced the choice of destination. 他表示,庇护法可能影响了目的地的选择。

I want you to go after him, in the asylum. 我想让你在到收容所一躺。

Now you are finishing that, and of course the asylum cannot be responsible any longer for your support. 现在你也毕业了,我们不能再负担你的生活了。

Seminar on asylum and the rights of refugees; 庇护和难民权利讨论会;

He says the migrants can request asylum or accept voluntary repatriation. 他说,移民可以要求收容或者接受自愿遣送回国。

He managed to avoid arrest and commitment to an asylum. 他成功避免了被逮捕和收押进收容所。

Guidelines on policies and procedures in dealing with unaccompanied children seeking asylum; 孤身儿童寻求庇护的处理政策和程序准则;

The People's Republic of China may grant asylum to foreigners who request it for political reasons. 中华人民共和国对于因为政治原因要求避难的外国人,可以给予受庇护的权利。

In the fields of immigration and asylum, as in other fields, his reign presents a strange paradox. 在田里耕作的移民和庇护问题,因为在其他领域,他的统治提出了一种奇怪的悖论。

Their applications for political asylum were rejected and they now face deportation. 他们申请政治避难遭拒绝,现在面临着被驱逐出境。

The parrot cry is that economic migrants and asylum seekers should be strictly separated. 人云亦云者宣称,应将经济移民和庇护寻求者严格区分开来。

She asked for political asylum in this country and was refused. 她要求在这个国家政治避难,但遭到拒绝。

Having sought asylum in the West for many years, they were eventually granted it. 他们获得了在西方以寻求多年的避难权。

I saw the superintendent of the asylum, and I was telling him about Ivar's symptoms. 我见到了疯人院的医生了,我把埃法尔的病症告诉了他。



shelter n. 避难所,庇护所


〔例证〕The soldiers built a shelter from a few pieces of wood.士兵们用一些木条搭了一个窝棚。It's a shelter for battered women.那是一个受虐待妇女的庇护所。Some volunteers worked in the animal shelter.一些志愿者在那个动物收容处工作。

asylum n. (政治)避难


〔例证〕He was granted asylum in Germany.他在德国得到政治庇护。The number of refugees seeking political asylum has risen recently.寻求政治庇护的难民人数最近有所增长。

cover n. 躲避处,掩蔽处


〔例证〕He was forced to take cover in a barn.他只得躲在谷仓里。She was shot in the shoulder as she ran for cover.她跑去寻找躲避处时被击中了肩部。

haven n. 避难所,安全地


〔例证〕A happy family is a haven.幸福的家庭是一座避风港。The small woods are a haven for birds.小树林是鸟儿的乐园。This studio is a haven for artists and hippies.这个工作室是艺术家和嬉皮士的安乐窝。

refuge n. 避难处,庇护所


〔例证〕a wildlife refuge野生动物保护区a refuge for battered wives受虐妻子的庇护所The tourists were seeking refuge from the storm.游客们在寻找躲避暴风雨的地方。



a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person

Synonym:mental hospitalpsychiatric hospitalmental institutioninstitutionmental homeinsane asylum

a shelter from danger or hardship


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