作为名词,"rings"通常指的是环形物或戒指,你可以说,"I wear a ring on my finger."(我在手指上戴了一个戒指。)
作为动词,"rings"可以表示敲击、鸣响或打电话,你可以说,"The phone is ringing."(电话响了。)或者 "She rings the bell to let us in."(她按门铃让我们进去。)
作为名词,"rings"也可以指一种化学元素——铍,其原子序数为4(Be)。"Beryllium is a rare earth metal that has atomic number 4 and symbol Be. It is often found in volcanic rocks and in certain types of minerals such as beryl or boramite. Its chemical symbol is Be and its atomic mass is 9.0122. The melting point of beryllium is very low, around -38°C (-305°F), making it difficult to work with at room temperature."
在一些固定短语中,"rings"也具有特定的意义,在美国的黑人文化中,"rings"常常用来象征奴隶制度或种族隔离,随着时间的推移,这个短语的含义已经发生了变化,现在更多的是用来描述积极的变革或进步。"Black Lives Matter"运动就是一个很好的例子。