《nba 2k10》原声大碟的歌单,共28首曲目 其中包括上赛季季后赛的广告曲kanye west《amazing》 ace hood - top of the world adam tensta - my cool akala - the edge al kapone - rock this chali2na - lock it down (instrumental) chali2na – international (feat. beenie man) donnie bravo - run away duo live - shootin flo rida - roots iglu & hartly - in this city illinois - hang on izza kizza - they’re everywhere k’naan - wavin’ the flag kanye west - amazing kenan bell - like this matisyahu - one day metric - help i’m alive metronomy - radio ladio mgmt - electric feel miike snow - black & blue na?ve new breeders - can’t choose ratatat - falcon jab ratatat - mirando saul williams - list of demands (reparations) sportsrushaz - iron the game - champion (exclusive and original track) the moog - joyclad armies vincent van go go - do you know
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