v.超过(数量); 超越(法律、命令等)的限制
超过(数量)to be greater than a particular number or amount
The price will not exceed £100.价格不会超过100英镑。
His achievements have exceeded expectations .他的成就出乎预料。
超越(法律、命令等)的限制to do more than the law or an order, etc. allows you to do
She was exceeding the speed limit (= driving faster than is allowed) .当时她超速驾驶。
The officers had exceeded their authority.这些官员超越了他们的权限。
VERB 超过,超出(某数量、数字等)If something exceeds a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that amount or number.Its research budget exceeds $700 million a year...其研究预算每年超过7亿美元。
The demand for places at some schools exceeds the supply...某些学校的入学申请人数超过了招生。His performance exceeded all expectations.他的表演超出了所有人的期待。VERB 超出,超越(限制、规定等)If you exceed a limit or rule, you go beyond it, even though you are not supposed to or it is against the law.He accepts he was exceeding the speed limit...他承认自己超速了。
I would be exceeding my powers if I ordered the march to be halted.如果我命令停止游行,我就越权了。双语例句
In many cases, the fee structure alone will exceed the tax benefits accrued. 很多情况下,单是费用结构一项就会超过累积的税惠。
Expenses are deductible only to the extent that in aggregate they exceed 7 percent of gross income. 只有在消费总额超过总收入的7%时才可免税。
Its research budget exceeds$ 700 million a year 其研究预算每年超过7亿美元。
The demand for places at some schools exceeds the supply 某些学校的入学申请人数超过了招生。
His performance exceeded all expectations. 他的表演超出了所有人的期待。
He accepts he was exceeding the speed limit 他承认自己超速了。
I would be exceeding my powers if I ordered the march to be halted. 如果我命令停止游行,我就越权了。
Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day 每天的饮酒量不应超过两个计量单位。
A cover letter should never exceed one page; often a far shorter letter will suffice. 附信不应超过一页,通常来说,一封相对非常简短的信就足够了。
The expenses shall not exceed 200 yuan. 费用以200元为限。
The speed limit is 40 miles an hour. Don't exceed this maximum. 限速每小时四十英里,不要超过这个极限。
Exports yearly exceed imports. 输出每年超过输入。
The charity received gifts, which in aggregate did not exceed £ 40,000. 慈善机构接收了总计不超过4万英镑的礼物。
We can't exceed the speed limit. 我们不能超过限速。
If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt. 如果你的负债超过了你的资产,你就可能破产。
If you meet or exceed every criterion, consider yourself highly qualified. 如果你符合甚至超过了工作要求中的每一条标准,那你就可以认为自己非常适合这份工作。
Previous policy set a maximum per capita living space, exceed which payers could not borrow. 之前的政策设置了最大人均住房面积,超出之后,缴存人不能借用。
You'll see that production and consistent quality far exceed the outlay of money. 您会看到生产和质量远远超过了支出的金钱。
Average daily levels of PM10 exceed national and W.H.O.standards. 北京的PM10的日平均值超过了全国平均水平和世界卫生组织的标准。
You will exceed your expectations. 你会超越你的期待。
The query and the views or functions in it exceed the limit of% d tables. 查询和其中的视图或函数超过了%1!个表的限制。
The summation of all percentages payable in respect to any one accident shall not exceed 100%. 在任何一个意外上,应理赔的百分率总和不应超过100%。
The pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the design pressure of the container or the piping system. 吹扫压力不得超过容器和管道系统的设计压力容器和管道系统的设计压力。
If the opponents exceed you in number. 如果是对手的数量超过了己方。
Many laws require that pollution levels not exceed those found to be harmful to people. 许多法律要求污染水平不能超过那些已经发现了的对人们造成危害的水平。
An information event is logged every time a record is altered because some attributes exceed their size limits. 每当一条记录被更改时将记录一个信息事件,因为某些属性超过了其大小限制。
Their shows exceed all nations I have known, both for dexterity and magnificence. 就演出的精妙和壮丽而言,他们的表演超过了我所知道的一切国家。
All filler materials must meet or exceed federal, state, and local fire codes and standards. 所有的装填物材料必须符合或高于联邦、州和当地防火规范和标准。
exceed v. 〈正式〉超过,超出
〔例证〕Tom was exceeding the speed limit.汤姆当时在超速行驶。Working hours must not exceed 8 hours a day.工作时间每天不得超过8小时。excel v. 优于,超过
〔例证〕She excels in dancing.她在舞蹈方面出类拔萃。She excels in teaching English.她擅长教英语。surpass v. 〈正式〉超越,胜过
〔例证〕He surpassed me in mathematics.他数学比我强。China will surpass Japan in economy.中国将在经济上超过日本。英英释义
be or do something to a greater degree
her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
She outdoes all other athletes
This exceeds all my expectations
This car outperforms all others in its class
be superior or better than some standard
She exceeded our expectations
She topped her performance of last year
Synonym:transcendoversteppassgo pasttop
be greater in scope or size than some standard
Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds
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