傲慢与偏见英文概括 傲慢与偏见内容概括
1、《Pride and prejudice》,the novel depicts a thousand gold among the five waiting girls of the squire Bennet. The protagonist is Elizabeth, his second daughter. She met Darcy at the dance, but she heard that he was arrogant and had been rejecting him. After a lot of setbacks, Elizabeth relieved her prejudice against Darcy, and Darcy put aside his arrogance, and the lover was married.
2、This work, based on daily life and the content and artificial writing methods of anti-sentimental novels popular in the society at that time.vividly reflects the conservative and blocked life and human feelings of the British townships from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century. It has been adapted into movies and TV dramas many times.
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