“不好意思”可说成“sorry”,也可说成“Excuse me”、“pardon”(pardon多翻译为“原谅”)。
感到不好意思Be Shy ; be bashful ; Feel embarrassed
实在不好意思not really embarrassed ; It is really too embarrassed ; Really sorry
真的不好意思Really sorry ; I am sorry ; sorry ; I am sorry you laughed
不好意思啦Sorry friends ; I'm sorry ; I am sorry
不好意思打扰啦I'm sorry won't disturb ; Sorry disturb friends ; Sorry to bother you
会不好意思的I'm sorry ; Be embarrassed ; I'm sorry will be the
我会不好意思的I'll be sorry ; I will be embarrassed
很不好意思啊Ah very sorry ; Very sorry Ah
1、So, that's more far in the future, and yeah, I don't really know, I'm sorry.
2、You can see the atomic mass unit will be, excuse me. Let me go at it a different way.
3、Okay. So here's a waltz by Richard Strauss not to be confused-- no, excuse me, by Johann Strauss not to be confused with Richard Strauss whom we heard last time.
4、That border, excuse me, they are relics the British Empire are exiting in the minds of map-makers and politicians, not in the minds of people.
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