网络误报; 假阳性; 误判率; 误报率; 伪阴性
Our freedom from spam had come at a stiff price& a very high false-positive rate. 我们为摆脱垃圾邮件付出了沉重的代价&误判率非常之高。
A manual back-end process is currently required in EVS to follow-up on potential false-positive export check results. 当前在EVS中需要一个手动后端流程,以进行潜在的错误出口检查结果的后续处理。
However, many of the false-positive defects derive from the misinterpretation of the inspector on issues s/ he does not fully understand about the domain. 然而,很多误确认缺陷来源于审查人员对这个功能区没有完全理解而产生的误解。
The problem of false-positive results in helical CT scanning is limited and can be rationally managed. 假阳性的问题导致螺旋CT扫描应用的局限性,应理性的对待。
Evaluation on False-Positive of Isotope-Labeled Peptides Using Least-Square Method 利用最小二乘法判断同位素标记肽的假阳性
Both false-positive and false-negative diagnosis of pneumonia is common. 假阳性和假阴性的肺炎诊断都很常见。
It cuts the false-positive rate in half, resulting in fewer patient recalls, less anxiety and less cost. 该技术降低乳腺癌诊断假阳性率近半,必将使患者更少需再次召回检查,使患者更少焦虑和更少花钱。
Compared with conventional mammography, stereoscopic digital imaging reduced the false-positive rate by49 percent. 与传统钼钯摄像比较,立体数字化钼钯摄像降低了49%的假阳性率。
In1 cross-sectional and2 prospective cohort studies of fair to good quality, false-positive PSA screening results caused psychological adverse effects for up to1 year after the test. 在质量差强人意的1项横截面和2项前瞻性群组研究中,研究者认为PSA的假阳性筛查结果造成了长达1年的心理负面影响。
It missed one of the breast cancer patients, and showed up as a false-positive in three of the healthy subject. 它只漏掉1例乳癌病人,在3个健康人身上出现了假阳性。
False-positive hotspots have also been reported from the same type of test in Uganda and India. When researchers looked for similar errors in Nigeria, though, they found none. 有人报道同样的检测方法在乌干达和印度也出现了许多假阳性结果,而在尼日利亚研究人员却未发现任何类似的误检问题。
Unless I misunderstood, this rush to identify checksums and publish them as suspicious and revoke them later seems to imply that there could be a high false-positive, or false-negative problem. 如果我误解了,这急于确定校验和公布可疑并撤销他们后来似乎暗示,有可能是一个高假阳性或假阴性的问题。
Objective: To analyze the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay from clinical samples to detect Treponema pallidum antibody positive results in the false-positive and response measures. 目的:分析酶联免疫吸附试验从临床样本中检测出梅毒阳性结果中的假阳性及应对措施。
For patients, it may include financial loss, unnecessary therapy ( after false-positive results), or morbidity and mortality after false-negative tests fail to pick up the disease. 对于病人,害处可能包括损失金钱、不必要的治疗(在假阳性结果之后)或者在没有发现该病的假阴性测试之后的发病和死亡。
The authors point out that complex-spontaneous motor movements and false-positive triggering of the ventilator may occur in patients who are brain dead. 作者指出在脑死亡病人可能会发生复杂自发性的运动动作及假阳性的呼吸触发。
However, it also recorded a few false-positive results in the control group. 但是,在对照组中也有些假阳性结果的纪录。
There was no false-positive result when it was used to detect human genome DNA, HCMV, E. 用该方法对人类基因组DNA、人类巨细胞病毒(HCMV)和大肠埃希菌DNA以及其他型别的HPV进行检测,均未见假阳性结果产生。
Therefore, the ankle clonus test had no false-negative or true-positive result and 4 false-positive results ( 8.16%). 因此在本观察中,踝阵挛试验无真阳性和假阴性结果,4例假阳性结果(8.16%)。
Results Genotyping of RHE/ e and RHC/ c showed complete concordance between genotyping and serology for RhE/ e and Rhc antigens, no false-positive or false-negative results was obtained. 结果RHE/e和RHC/c等位基因定型结果表明,RHE/e和RHc的定型结果与血清学的一致,没有发现假阳性和假阴性。
The sera from 30 schistosomiasis patients and 30 normal controls were tested. The result showed the positive rate and the false-positive rate were 93 3% and 3 3%, respectively. 用重组铁蛋白检测30例日本血吸虫病人血清和30例正常人血清,阳性率和假阳性率分别为933%和33%。
False-positive rates were the same ( 3. 33%). 两法的假阳性率均为3.33%。
False-negative and false-positive rates were relatively high in 4R and 7 lymph node groups. 4R组和7组淋巴结的假阳性和假阴性较高。
Primer design, application of non-radioactive marker, optimization of parameter of PCR, some methods of false-positive identification of mRNA differentially display technology were summarized in this paper. 对mRNA差异显示技术中引物设计、应用非放射性标记、优化PCR参数、假阳性鉴定的方法等方面进行了概述。
MRI diagnosis 49 true-positive, 22 true-negative, 2 false-positive and 3 false-negative. MRI诊断结果:真阳性数49个,真阴性数22个,假阳性数2个,假阴性数3个,准确性是93.4%,敏感性是94.2%,特异性是91.7%。
Experiments are done to test the detection ability, false-negative rate and false-positive rate of the method. Result shows that this method has the features of self-adaptation, self-learning, persity, can detect know and unknow computer virus effectively. 通过实验测试了该方法的识别能力、错误否定率和错误肯定率,结果表明该方法具有自适应、自学习和多样性等特点,能够有效地检测未知计算机病毒。
Results: Myogenin protein were detected in all 8 cases of RMS and a Wilms 'tumor showed false-positive. 结果:8例横纹肌肉瘤均有明显的Myogenin蛋白印迹,在1例肾母细胞瘤中呈假阳性;
However, low specificity of serum PSA leads to many false-positive and false-negative results and clinical uncertainty. 但是,PSA的低特异性常常出现大量的假阳性和假阴性结果,影响临床判断。
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