1、Best wishes, warm greetings, full of expectations, your respect, your sincerity, your truthfulness, best wishes, your confidence and cordial greetings at the end of business letters.
2、See you at the end of the classic letter. Talk to you later. Have a nice day.
3、At the end of the informal letter, I give everyone a happy greeting and hug. I wish you all the best and write back as soon as possible. Your friends, be good.
5、(1) Write to relatives and relatives, using your dear grandfather, dear yours, dear, etc.
6、(2) Write to acquaintances and friends, with your sincerity and your affection;
7、(3) Write business letters with the real you (your real), loyal you (your loyal), etc.
8、(4) Be submissive (submissive) to your superiors and elders, respectfully (respectfully) to yours, etc.
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