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They will take that problem apart and analyze it in great detail 他们会认真分析那个问题,指出其症结所在。

We should analyze the cause and effect of this event. 我们应该分析这场事变的因果。

We analyze the project economical contract liability mechanism that widely used on construction scene in order to answer the question of which mechanism is available. 在采用何种制度才能确实起作用方面,本文结合施工现场广泛做法,分析了项目经济承包责任制。

A good accountant can analyze an unprofitable operation quickly. 一名优秀的会计师能迅速分析出亏损的环节。

Let's analyze this code. 我们分析一下这段代码。

You can also open the existing E/ R diagram to analyze and gather information. 您还可以打开现有的E/R图表来分析和收集信息。

I will analyze the component systems that make up the enterprise from this starting point. 我将从此起始点,分析构成企业的组件系统。

Analyze the input and output of the component patterns. 分析组件模式的输入和输出。

Now you are ready to analyze the logs. 现在已经完成了准备工作,可以对日志进行分析了。

Gnuplot can also help you to plot and analyze data. Gnuplot也可以帮助您绘制和分析数据。

It lets you analyze application performance based on historical analysis and trends. 它允许基于历史记录分析和趋势来分析应用程序的性能。

After you capture your data, you need to analyze the results. 在捕获了相关的数据之后,您需要对结果进行分析。

A different tool can be used for each area to store, manage, and analyze data. 每一个区域都可以使用不同的工具来存储,管理和分析数据。

In this section we will analyze the business case and problem in detail. 在本部分中,我们将详细分析业务案例和问题。

This article provided an example of how to analyze the business case and produce a design worksheet. 本文提供了说明如何分析业务用例和生成设计工作表的示例。

The objective of this phase is to analyze the process inputs. 这一阶段的目标在于分析进程的输入情况。

There are several ways to get this data and analyze it. 有好几个方法用于获得和分析这一数据。

With static analysis tools, you can analyze software without actually running the program. 有了静态分析工具,就可以在不实际运行程序的情况对软件进行分析。

Then you also have to vary the ways that you analyze and interpret the data. 然后,您还需要使用不同的方法分析和解释测试数据。

Highlights and issues: To identify, analyze, and track action items and issues. 突出部分和问题:为了识别、分析和跟踪动作条目和问题。

That allows you to examine and analyze relevant variables and memory contents in a debugger. 这样就允许您检查和分析相关的变量和调试器中内存的状态。

You can then view and analyze the details of any system exceptions. 然后您可以查看和分析任何系统异常的详细信息。

Model: Gather and analyze business requirements. 建模:收集和分析业务需求。

The Relationship Modeling Engine uses natural language processing and sophisticated semantic analysis techniques to analyze and categorize text. RelationshipModelingEngine使用自然语言处理和高级的语义分析技术对文本进行分析和分类。

We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 我们应学会如何分析问题和解决问题。

The authors analyze the frequency characteristic of detecting circuit and prove the stability of the proposed detecting system theoretically. 文中分析了检测电路的频率特性,且理论上证明了系统的稳定性。

Suggestion: Instruct the PM and QA to analyze the feedback and determine the cause for it. 建议:指导PM和QA分析反馈并确定其产生的原因。

Analyze the current development of our gymnastics essays in2001-2004 by statistics, document and analyzing. 利用文献资料法,统计法和分析法对2001-2004年我国竞技体操科研论文发展现状进行了统计分析。

It also will compile and analyze implementation issues. 同时也可以收集和分析实施部署中的问题。

Use factor analysis in econometrics to analyze the quality income of the listed companies of electronic categories systematically. 应用计量经济学中的因子分析法,系统分析了电子类上市公司的收益质量指标。



subject to psychoanalytic treatment

I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist


make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of

analyze a specimen

analyze a sentence

analyze a chemical compound

Synonym:analysebreak downdissecttake apart

consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning

analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare

analyze the evidence in a criminal trial

analyze your real motives


break down into components or essential features

analyze today's financial market


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