problem solving
网络处理问题; 如何解决问题; 问题解决; 问题求解; 解决问题
You need to systematize your approach to problem solving. 你需要采用有条理的方法解决问题。
Iterative development is, at its heart, a team-based approach to problem solving and solution development. 迭代开发是针对问题解决和解决方案开发的基于团队的方法。
It combines an interface and a programming language into a dynamic tool for both numerical and symbolic problem solving. 它在一个动态工具中组合了界面和编程语言,可同时用于数字和符号问题的解答。
Problem solving is an important soft skill. 懂得解决问题是职场中一个很重要的软技能。
As a writer, I also use it as a form of problem solving. 作为一名作家,我还把它当做一种解决问题的方式。
Leading problem solving and root cause analysis team consist of qc, PE and design engineer. 领导由质量控制工程师,工艺工程师和设计工程师组成的质量问题解决和根源分析队伍。
Engineering is a science of problem solving, with focus on fundamental and applied sciences. 工程学是一门解决问题的学科,以基础科学和应用科学为本。
You can use a simple problem solving method. 你可以用一个简单的解决问题方法。
But Chinese students show no advantage in graphing, understanding tables, or open-process problem solving. 然而,中国学生在图形表达、理解表格和解决开放性过程问题的能力方面没有优势。
Well developed analytical and problem solving skills a must. 必须有很好的分析和解决问题的能力。
The use of genetic algorithms achieve about extremal function of problem solving, function has been give. 使用遗传算法实现关于函数极值问题的求解,函数已给出。
Sound Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills. 可靠的解决问题和决策技巧。
Effects of Presentation Modes of Source Problems on Analogical Transfer in Disciplinary Problem Solving; 考察了单个和两个源问题条件下大学生学科问题类比迁移的情况。
The focus will be on developing problem solving skills, both for book problems and for laboratory activities. 课程重点是在书本练习和实验中发展学生的解决问题能力。
Problem solving and decision making. 解决问题和决策能力。
Basic problem solving and analytical skills, ability to handle multiple tasks and assignments; 基本的解决和分析问题的能力,具备处理多种工作的能力;
China's educational system is another serious challenge because it emphasizes rote learning rather than creative problem solving. 中国的教育体系是另一个严峻挑战,因为它强调的是死记硬背的学习、而非创造性的解决问题。
Problem solving is a test of a good manager. 解决问题是对一个好经理的检验。
Students end up being robbed of picking up problem solving and time management skills. 学生们终结了当下问题的求解,从而被剥夺了解决问题的能力和时间管理的技能。
Effective problem solving via defect analysis, problem containment, root-cause analysis and corrective actions. 能通过错误分析,问题制止,根源分析和纠正措施有效解决问题。
In American education, however, much emphasis is placed on problem solving and discussion. 在美国的教育中,更多强调的是解决问题和讨论。
"problem solving groups may also be a useful method for students to use in school," said laughlin. “学生也可以把问题解决小组作为有效的方法用于学校,”劳克林说。
Display problem solving process and the steps, as well as instructions. 显示解题过程和步骤,还有说明。
This system is based on the ANSYS materials mechanics problem solving system. 本系统是基于ANSYS的材料力学解题系统。
Is the whole family involved in problem solving and decision making together? 是全家人共同参与解决问题和决策?
Innovation: Adhere to standard Dow work process and procedure and use problem solving techniques to solve them. 改革:黏附在正在解决技术解决他们的标准道琼指数工作程序和程序和使用问题。
Universal and generic problem solving skills should be taught as in integrated skill in all subjects in all schools. 通常解决问题的技能应该在所有的学校和所有的学科中综合教授。
The organization shall have a defined process for problem solving leading to root cause identification and elimination. 组织应规定解决问题的过程确定和消除根本原因。
Research on problem solving and learning strategies is an important field for study in teaching psychology. 问题的提出问题解决和学习策略是教育心理学领域的两个重要概念。
We want to capture this idea of problem solving. 我们想抓住解决问题的这个想法。
the thought processes involved in solving a problem
the area of cognitive psychology that studies the processes involved in solving problems
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