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n.一千年,千年期(尤指公元纪年); 千周年纪念日; 千禧年




一千年,千年期(尤指公元纪年)a period of 1 000 years, especially as calculated before or after the birth of Christ

the second millennium AD公元第二个千年

千周年纪念日;千禧年the time when one period of 1 000 years ends and another begins

How did you celebrate the millennium?你们是如何欢庆千禧年的?


一千年;千年期A millennium is a period of one thousand years, especially one which begins and ends with a year ending in '000', for example the period from the year 1000 to the year 2000.

N-SING 2000年;千禧年Many people refer to the year 2000 as the Millennium ....the eve of the Millennium.千禧年前夜

...the cost of Millennium celebrations and festivals.千禧年庆典与节日活动的费用

Be careful with the spelling of this word.注意该词的拼写。


Acupuncture was practised in China as long ago as the third millennium BC 中国早在公元前3,000年就已开始采用针灸疗法。

The Millennium Development Goals have cut poverty in half. 千年发展目标已经将贫穷减少了一半。

On this year's observance, we celebrate hard-won achievements, especially those related to the Millennium Development Goals. 在今年纪念活动中,我们庆祝得来不易的成就,特别是与千年发展目标有关的成就。

What are our prospects of reaching the health-related Millennium Development Goals? 我们在实现与卫生有关的千年发展目标方面前景如何?

Is the debate about the Millennium Development goals. 就是关于千年发展目标的辩论。

I have referred to the second phase in our efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals. 我曾提到,我们实现千年发展目标的努力已进入第二阶段。

The Millennium Development Goals are driven by a spirit of solidarity and the ethical principle of fairness. 推动千年发展目标的是一种团结精神和公平的道德原则。

We need it for our economic and environmental well-being and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. 我们需要以此促进经济发展与环境保护,并实现联合国千年发展目标。

Delegations from Member States acknowledged the importance of health technologies for achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals. 各会员国代表团认可了卫生技术对实现卫生相关千年发展目标的重要性。

This is recognized in the Millennium Development Goals, which give health a central role in poverty-reduction strategies. 使卫生在减贫战略中承担核心作用的千年发展目标承认这一点。

This is an inspiring message for other initiatives, including those aimed at reaching the Millennium Development Goals. 对其它行动,包括旨在实现千年发展目标的行动,这是一则鼓舞人心的消息。

They recognized IDA as one of the most important instruments for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. 他们承认国际开发协会是实现千年发展目标最重要的工具之一。

Increasingly they are recognizing the key role that family planning plays in achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. 他们越来越多地认识到计划生育在实现联合国千年发展目标中的关键作用。

The health-related Millennium Development Goals were on every agenda, usually together with progress reports. 在每一个议程上,都列了与卫生有关的千年发展目标,通常还附有进展报告。

None of these countries has yet achieved a single Millennium Development Goal. 亿,还有很多工作要做。这些国家中还没有一个实现任何一个千年发展目标。

Has waited for the millennium love. 等待了千年的爱。

And not one low-income fragile or conflict-affected state has yet achieved a single Millennium Development Goal. 而且没有一个低收入脆弱国家或受冲突影响国家实现了任何一项千年发展目标(en)。

This, then, is part of our common humanity, as expressed in the Millennium Declaration. 如《千年宣言》中所表述的,这便是我们共同人性的一部分。

On present trends, Africa will not reach any of the health-related Millennium Development Goals. 根据目前趋势,非洲将无法实现与卫生领域有关的任何一项千年发展目标。

This gives us another very good reason to remain steadfast in our pursuit of the health-related Millennium Development Goals. 这为我们继续坚定落实与卫生有关的千年发展目标提供了另一个非常好的理由。

The Plan supports WHO's efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goal related to tuberculosis. 计划支持世卫组织为实现与结核相关的千年发展目标所做的努力。

The Millennium Development Goals recognized the power of better health to reduce poverty and drive overall socioeconomic development. 千年发展目标确认了增进健康对减少贫困和推动总体社会经济发展的巨大作用。

Prompt action will be critical to sustain progress in malaria control and achieve the health-related Millennium Development Goals. 及时的行动对维持疟疾控制进展和实现与卫生相关的千年发展目标将是至关重要的。

This is a silent humanitarian crisis that thwarts progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs). 这是一个无声的人道主义危机,它阻碍着实现千年发展目标(MDGs)方面的进展。

The fundamental importance of health is clearly reflected in the Millennium Development Goals. 卫生的至关重要性在千年发展目标中得到了明确的反映。

The development community has confirmed the Millennium Development Goals as our framework for action. 发展机构已将千年发展目标确定为我们的行动框架。



a span of 1000 years


the 1000th anniversary (or the celebration of it)


(New Testament) in Revelations it is foretold that those faithful to Jesus will reign with Jesus over the earth for a thousand years

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