
来源: 时间:2024-09-17 06:12:03 浏览量:

n.疯子; 精神病患者




疯子;精神病患者a man who has a serious mental illness

The killing was the act of a madman.这起凶杀案是一个疯子所为。

He drove like a madman .他像疯了似的驾车飞驰。

Some madman (= stupid person) deleted all the files.不知哪个笨蛋把所有的文件都删掉了。


N-COUNT 疯子;精神失常的人A madman is a man who is insane.He wanted to jump up and run outside, screaming like a madman.他想跳起来跑到外面去,像疯子那样尖叫一番。


He wanted to jump up and run outside, screaming like a madman. 他想跳起来跑到外面去,像疯子那样尖叫一番。

'God knows what's happening in that madman's mind,' she muttered 她咕哝着:“天知道那个疯子在想什么。”

To think I left you alone in a place with a madman at large! 想想看,我竟然把你一个人抛在那儿,让你和一个无人看管的疯子呆在一起!

'He drives like a madman,' was all the information he vouchsafed. “他开起车来像疯了一样”是他惠予的全部信息。

The madman flung away his watch and his wallet. 那个疯子把自己的手表和皮夹子扔了。

He looked like a madman, foaming at the mouth. 他口吐白沫,看上去像个疯子。

This afflicted German intelligence with two fatal flaws: inefficiency, and subjugation to a madman. 这给德国情报工作造成了两个致命的弱点,一个是缺乏效率,另一个是让一个疯子总管情报。

He remembered one of Nietzsche's mad utterances wherein that madman had doubted truth. 他想起了尼采的一段话,表现了那疯子对真理的怀疑。

I'm not the madman you thought me. 我并不是你所认为的那个疯子。

What do you mean shouting like a madman? 你像个疯子似地大叫,是什么意思

I hear there's a dangerous madman on the loose. 我听说一个危险的疯子跑出来了。

When you're subject to the whims of a complete madman there's no saying what will happen. 当你受到一个十足疯子的怪念头支配时,就说不准会发生什么事了。

You are groping like a madman locked in a dark room. 你就像禁闭在暗室的疯子,在黑暗中摸索。

The madman has already lost his senses. 这疯子已经失去理智了。

And I appreciate that you must think I'm a raving madman. 我知道你肯定认为我是个胡乱说瞎话的疯子。

In The Joyous Science, Nietzsche puts the news of God's death into the mouth of a madman. 在《快乐的科学》中,尼采把上帝已死的消息通过一个疯子的口中说出来。

The madman is holy as you my soul are holy! 疯子和你一样神圣,我的灵魂神圣!

They locked him up as a madman. 他们把他当疯子关了起来。

He's a madman& I told him it wasn't safe to climb up that cliff. 他是个疯子&我告诉过他攀登那座悬崖很危险。

He was like a madman. 他像一个疯子一样。

He drives like a madman. 他开汽车像疯了似的。

Great. a madman in my kitchen! 好极了,厨房里来了个疯子!

And they said there was this crazy madman on the ioose. 收音机里说有一个疯男人逃了出来。

He was a madman and a tryant. 他是一个狂人和暴君。

I'll lesson you, you madman. No one wanted to listen to a madman. 我要教训你,你这个疯子。

I know you want to help me, but there's no need to go at like a madman. 我知道你想帮助我,但是根本没必要像疯子一样胡干。

The madman choked his own child to death. 疯子把他自己的孩子掐死了。

Our enemy is a madman, a tyrant who will not give up so easily. 我们的敌人是疯子,一个不是那么容易放弃的暴君。

And in this drama, we can try to exchange ideas with Lu Xun and his "madman". 这个戏我们将尝试与狂人以及鲁迅先生对话。

I chased you like a madman. 我像个疯子一样追求你。



an insane person


TAG: mad men

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