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network address

来源: 时间:2024-09-18 11:43:00 浏览量:

网络网路卡位址; 网卡地址; 网络号; 网址; 网路地址


Secure communication is one-way due to Network Address Translation ( NAT) problems and client/ server business model. 由于网络地址转换(NetworkAddressTranslation,NAT)问题和客户端/服务器业务模型的原因,安全通信是单向的。

Network: The actual network address that the interface connects to. Network:该接口所连接到的实际网络地址。

Every host in the LAN will have the same network address, broadcast address, subnet mask, and domain name because those addresses identify the network in its entirety. 局域网上所有的主机都应当拥有同样的网络地址、广播地址、子网掩码和域名,因为这些地址标志出一个局域网的全部内容。

Next we'll look at redirection of the Network Address Translation at the kernel level. 下一步我们将看看内核层的networkaddresstranslation重定向。

AMIs hosted on Amazon EC2 use network address translation ( NAT) technology. AmazonEC2上托管的AMI使用了网络地址转换(NAT)技术。

The nodeAddress event producer monitors the network address of the node. nodeAddress事件创造器监控集群中某个节点的网络地址。

Win4Lin sessions can be configured with bridged networking or network address translation ( NAT) networking. Win4Lin会话可以配置为使用桥接连网或网络地址转换(NAT)连网。

This network address exists on the second JBI server. 此网络地址在第二台JBI服务器上。

It contains information about communication protocols used between client and server, server network address and endpoint ( port number) on which server process is running. 它包含客户机和服务器之间使用的通信协议、服务器网络地址和运行服务器进程的端点(端口号)的相关信息。

Generally firewall hostile because of dynamic ports and embedded IP addresses ( which can interfere with firewalls that perform Network Address Translation). 由于使用动态端口和嵌入式IP地址(这会影响防火墙执行网络地址转换),所以通常防火墙对其不友好。

Specific calls are made to retrieve the UUID, RPC address, endpoint and network address with options. 可以通过特定的调用获得UUID、RPC地址、端点、网络地址和选项。

The method involves traversing the table and getting the network address family, interface and protocol. 这个例程遍历这个表,获取网络地址系列、接口和协议。

Network address entry point with a reference to RPC address is used to fetch network address, endpoint and network options details. 使用网络地址入口点和RPC地址的引用获取网络地址、端点和网络选项详细信息。

The application system must not involve communication between networks that use internal IP addresses and network address translation. 应用程序系统不能包含内部IP地址和网络地址转换(NAT)的网络通信。

Click Add to specify the internal network address ranges. 单击“添加”来指定内部网络地址范围。

Network Address Translator technology and IPSec technology are widely used in the Internet today. 引言网络地址转换技术和IP安全体系结构在实际中都是得到广泛应用的技术。

The Endpoint's address-a network address through which the endpoint can be accesses. 端点的地址(address)&它是一个网络地址,通过它,端点可以被寻址。

Only one usage of each socket address ( protocol/ network address/ port) is normally permitted. 通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次。

Translation: Controls Network Address Translation and packet redirection. 转换:控制网络地址转换和数据包重定向。

For example, many home users have a broadband router/ firewall that performs Network Address Translation. 比如,很多家庭用户都是通过带NAT(NetworkAddressTranslation)功能的路由器/防火墙上网。

The application research of the translation of the network address and its port 网络地址转换与网络地址端口转换的应用研究

And the functions of transparent bridge, network address conversion equipment, and network management equipment are demonstrated. 论文还介绍了透明网桥、网址转换设备及网管设备的作用。

Specify the destination network address, the network mask, and the Metric to the destination network. 请指定目标网络地址、网络掩码和到目标网络的跃点数。

Network Address Translation ( NAT) is the simplest way of accessing an external network from a virtual machine. 网络地址转换(NAT)是最简单的方法从一个虚拟机访问外部网。

Provides network address translation, addressing, name resolution and/ or intrusion prevention services for a home or small office network. 为家庭或小型办公网络提供网络地址转换,定址以及名称解析和/或防止入侵服务。

In order to solve the multi-outgoing campus networks routing problem in Network Address Translation ( NAT), a policy routing scheme based on connection tracking information was proposed. 提出了一个校园网双出口的解决方案,详细阐述了其采用静态路由、网络地址转换和策略路由等关键技术设计和实现的过程。

A hard-disk storage device with its own network address. 本身具有网络地址的硬盘存储设备。

The transport rejected the network address specified as invalid. 传输拒绝指定的无效网络地址。

Services with names that contain valid network addresses will route to the network address in the service name. 名称包含有效网络地址的服务将路由到服务名称中的网络地址。

Clients may also need Network Address Translation ( NAT) when there are multiple internal computers and only one public IP address. 当有多台内部计算机和一个公共IP地址时,客户端可能也需要网络地址转换(NAT)。

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