
来源: 时间:2024-09-19 14:56:34 浏览量:

n.欢喜; 高兴; 幸灾乐祸




欢喜;高兴;幸灾乐祸a feeling of happiness, usually because sth good has happened to you, or sth bad has happened to sb else

He rubbed his hands in glee as he thought of all the money he would make.他想到自己将赚到那么多钱就高兴得直搓手。

She couldn't disguise her glee at their embarrassment.看到他们难堪的样子她不禁喜形于色。


N-UNCOUNT 欢喜;兴奋;(常指)幸灾乐祸Glee is a feeling of happiness and excitement, often caused by someone else's misfortune.His victory was greeted with glee by his fellow American golfers...他的美国高尔夫球队友们为他的胜利感到欢欣鼓舞。

There was much glee among journalists over the leaked letter.那封被泄密的信让记者们很是兴奋。


His victory was greeted with glee by his fellow American golfers 他的美国高尔夫球队友们为他的胜利感到欢欣鼓舞。

There was much glee among journalists over the leaked letter. 那封被泄密的信让记者们很是兴奋。

She has all the glee of a little girl let loose in a sweetie shop 她像糖果店里无人管束的小女孩那样兴高采烈。

We already know that Justin Bieber and a song from Rentare on tap for Glee this season. 我们知道贾斯汀比伯和Rent的一首歌都会出现在这一季的《欢乐合唱团》中。

Glee lovebirds Blake Jenner and Melissa Benoist are reportedly set to tie the knot! 据报道,出演了《欢乐合唱团》的布莱克詹纳和梅利莎拜诺伊斯特这对情侣将要喜结连理了!

Mercedes: And Glee club will never end, Mr. Shue. Mercedes:我们的合唱团是不会结束的,Shue老师。

Because, you are glee club. And you're in all of us now. 因为,你就是欢乐合唱团的灵魂,并且已经深深地影响了我们。

The wind carries away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells. 风高兴地带走了你踝铃的丁当。

But despite his obvious glee, he still found time to offer Mrs Merkel a consoling hug. 尽管卡梅伦一脸的得意,但他还是给了默克尔一个安慰的拥抱。

Thank you for that pan of glee you just served up! 向你表示感谢潘的吉利你刚才的服务了!

Have you considered the chess team or the glee club? 你有没有考虑过象棋队或者合唱团?

Barty arranged dozens of folk songs and spirituals for what was then an all-male Glee Club. 巴迪为当时全部是男声的欢乐合唱团编排了几十首民间歌曲和宗教歌曲。

She danced with glee when she saw the new toys, which her father bought for her birthday present. 当看到爸爸作为生日礼物买给她的新玩具时,她高兴地跳起舞来。

We set off with glee. 我们兴致勃勃地出发了。

After the concert, we sung two songs with the glee club. 结束的时候,大家与合唱团一起,又唱了两首歌。

She was filled to the brim with girlish glee. 她充满了少女的喜悦。

The women shrieked with glee and the men shouted the last word of each stanza with the singer. 女人们都高兴的叫起来了,那些男人就和着他,把每句的最后一个词喊了出来。

He came bouncing in, grinning with glee. 他跳跳蹦蹦地走了进来,高兴地咧着嘴笑。

She clapped her hands in childish glee. 她孩子气地高兴地拍着手。

They must have also enjoyed themselves because they gave us the words glee, laughter and mirth. 他们一定也过得很快乐,因为他们还留下高兴,笑声和欢笑这些词。

She was in high glee when she learnt the news. 她得知这消息高兴之至。

And the Yale Glee Club really was my door to making friends and to meeting people. 欢乐合唱团为我打开大门,让我能够交朋友,认识人。

Yeah! I can't believe I've never seen Glee before! LOVED IT! 是的!我不能相信之前我从来没有那么开心过!

Looking just as snazzy as his teacher, Glee's prep school spy plays the part – and dashingly! 《欢乐合唱团》中的演员克里斯看着和他在剧中的老师一样时髦。

Lucky for you! He greeted Martha with boisterous glee. “你真幸运!”他兴高采烈地和马莎打招呼。

The glee club has a new number. 合唱团又有新成员了。

The little girl jumped about in glee when she saw the new toys. 那小女孩一见到新玩具就高兴万分地跳了起来。

That is why the passing of David Beckham has been greeted with such glee. 这就是为什么贝克汉姆被弃用的消息,得到了如此热烈欢迎的原因。

The child danced with glee when he heard the good news. 这个孩子听见这个好消息后,高兴得跳起舞来。

The inspiration glee to the hearts grow wings; induction hearts, thoughts spread wings. 灵感的雀跃,给心灵插上了翅膀;心灵的感应,让思绪张开了翅膀。



great merriment


malicious satisfaction


TAG: glee

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