n.商品陈列室; 展销厅
商品陈列室;展销厅a large shop/store in which goods for sale, especially cars and electrical goods, are displayed
a car showroom汽车展销厅
N-COUNT (尤指汽车、电器、煤气用具等的)商品陈列室,展销厅A showroom is a shop in which goods are displayed for sale, especially goods such as cars or electrical or gas appliances....a car showroom...汽车展销厅
Further information is available from your local electricity showroom.想要获得更多信息可以咨询当地的电器展销厅。双语例句
Further information is available from your local electricity showroom. 想要获得更多信息可以咨询当地的电器展销厅。
'I'll look at it in the showroom and can answer this better after that,'he said. 他说,我会去陈列室仔细考察,然后才能更好地回答哪些款式能大卖的问题。
Homeowners protested outside that project's showroom as well over the weekend. 该项目的业主周末也在售楼处外举行了抗议。
Oa's spouse had a interior design business and had a showroom of furnishings. Oa的前配偶有一个室内装修生意,并有一个家具展示厅。
Miss Gao will take you to our showroom. 高小姐将带你们到我们的产品陈列室参观。
We are interested in your mens shirts displayed in your showroom. 我们对贵方样品展览室里陈列的男式衬衫很感爱好。
This is our showroom. 这是我们的展示间。
We have posted the last three days photos in "SHOWROOM/ PHOTO". 我们巳把过去3天的精彩照片放到“展示厅/相片集中地”。
Police restored the stolen jewels to the showroom. 警方将被盗的珠宝交还给了陈列室。
We're having a special showing next week in our showroom. 下个星期在我们的陈列室中将有一个特别的展出。
We set up the wholesale showroom in Luohu, Shenzhen in2007. 于2007年在深圳罗湖设立批发展厅。
We have a showroom in the center of the downtown area. 在市中心我们有一间样品陈列室。
I'll show you around our showroom and explain all the exhibits here. 让我带你到我们的陈列室四处看看,同时向你解释这里所有的展品。
In a thirty's FIAT car showroom and garage is located CASACHIC furniture and home accessories shop. Casachic家居用品店在一个三十年代FIAT的汽车展示厅里。
Whoever created this is probably quite proud, but this is a newspaper, not a graphic showroom. 谁创造了这个可能是很自豪的东西,但这是一个报纸,而不是图形展示。
The customer lounge is centrally located between the showroom and service reception to accommodate both sales and service customers. 客户休息室位于陈列室和接待处之间的中心位置,以为销售客户和服务客户提供空间。
Please come this way. I'd like to show you our showroom. 请走这边。我想带你参观我们的产品陈列室。
B: We have a showroom in this city. B:我们在本市设有一个展示中心。
Angela ahrendts arrived at our interview in a showroom at her new London headquarters with a bustling retinue. 安吉拉阿伦茨(angelaahrendts)在她伦敦新总部的展示厅接受了我们的采访,来时带着一群忙前忙后的随从。
We have a showroom in this city. 在本市设有展示中心。
Have you seen the showroom, Miss Lee? 李小姐,您有没有看一下我们的商品陈列室?
Thank you for coming to our showroom today. 谢谢你今天莅临我们的产品陈列室。
I did't know you had a showroom in Guangzhou. 我以前不知道贵公司淘宝取消订单在广州有个陈列室。
We hope you enjoyed the visit to the showroom. 希望你还喜欢我们的展示室。
I walked over and found two salesmen in the showroom. 我走了过去,在展示厅找到了两名销售人员。
So, you've been eyeing that new ride at the showroom for awhile now. 所以,你一直想要的新停泊在陈列室一阵子了。
I believe you have seen our exhibits in the showroom. 我想您已经看过我们展示厅里的产品了。
We have a technology showroom in every research lab. 我们每一个研究实验室里都有一个科技展厅。
I saw a boy thieving in the showroom. 我看见一个男孩在货品陈列室行窃。
an area where merchandise (such as cars) can be displayed
in Britain a showroom is called a salesroom
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