
来源: 时间:2024-09-19 16:00:00 浏览量:



SISS products will soon penetrated the market. SISS产品会很快打入中国市场。谢谢!

Please notice that: If we can't use SISS equipment, both two order will no longer use SISS. 请留意:如果此次不能选用SISS的设备,这两个订单将会没有机会再用SISS设备的。

The new concept of spatially integrated social science ( SISS) and its background are introduced. The author discusses the fundamental thinking, research method and character and research examples of SISS from geographic thoughts, method and technology. 介绍了'空间整合社会科学'(SISS)的概念和背景,从思想、方法、技术等方面初步讨论了SISS研究的基本思路、方法、特征与案例。

SISS study relies on geographic theory and model, geo-spatial and geo-referenced data, spatial analysis and GIS techniques to perform exploratory, descriptive and/ or explanatory researches. SISS研究是以地理学知识为基础,在社会科学的理论与方法中加入空间要素,采用地理信息技术和方法,依赖大量的数据,进行描述性、探索性或解释性研究。

Global Output-Feedback Stabilization for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Stochastic Input-to-State Stable Zero-Dynamics 具有SISS零动态的随机非线性系统的全局输出反馈镇定

The equivalent circuit model and transmission characteristics of traditional DGS unit, semicircle DGS unit and semicircle SISS unit are analyzed and simulated. 首先分析和仿真了传统DGS单元、半圆型DGS单元和半圆型阶梯阻抗并联枝节的等效电路模型和传输特性。

SIOS is the extension of SISS, This development is more theoretical and practical significance. SIOS是SISS性质的延伸,这种发展更具有理论意义和现实意义。

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