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来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-09-20 01:44:00 浏览量:


迷路的英文:get lost、lose one's way、miss one's way、stray、go astray、inner ear。

一、get lost1、People with no sense of direction can easily get lost.路痴经常迷路。

二、inner earThe moon, does not have the lamp not to have the star nighttime inner ear person's lantern.月亮,是没有灯没有星星的黑夜里迷路人的灯笼。

三、lose one's wayShe had lost her way in the zoo.她在动物园里迷路了。

四、straycapture and impound stray dogs.把迷路的狗抓住并且关在圈中。

五、go astrayShouldyougoastrayfromthegroup.如果你走丢了。


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