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price tag

来源: 时间:2024-09-20 18:17:00 浏览量:




价格标签a label on sth that shows how much you must pay

There is a £2 million price tag on the team's star player.这位球队明星球员身价为200万英镑。


N-COUNT 标价;价格If something has a price tag of a particular amount, that is the amount that you must pay in order to buy it.I can't say it justifies the price tag of £150...我认为它值不了150英镑。

The price tag on the 34-room white Regency mansion is £17.5 million.那栋有34个房间的摄政时期的白色官邸报价为1,750万英镑。

价格标签In a shop, the price tag on an article for sale is a small piece of card or paper which is attached to the article and which has the price written on it.


Ballpark estimates indicate a price tag of$ 90 million a month. 大致的估计费用为每月9,000万美元。

Every article has a price tag on it. 商品都标了价格。

Despite the$ 21.99 price tag, I complied. 虽然标价21.99美元,我还是立刻答应了他的要求,很快买下了那个高登快速火车头(GordontheExpressEngine)。

Your price tag should make you feel slightly giddy but still be within your target market's budget. 你的价签应该让你感到有点头晕目眩,但也在你预期的市场预算之内。

Then, looking at the price tag, you are struck by clarity of a different sort. 然后看价签,你就会因为另外一种清晰度而感到震撼。

The headaches and the loss of hearing are the price tag for this gift, he said. 他说:头疼和听力损失是这份特别礼物的代价。

In markets where most consumers pay for the handset upfront, the iPhone's big price tag damps sales. 在多数消费者要预先付费来购买手机的市场,iPhone的昂贵价格抑制了销售。

The ceramide hair iron is considered gentler and effective, but it comes with a higher price tag. 神经酰胺的头发铁被视为温和的和有效的,但它具有更高的价格标签。

Could you take off the price tag for me? 你能帮我撕掉价格标签吗?

I can't find the price tag for this coat. 我找不到这件大衣的价格标签。

Li Ping sees a blue jacket. He looks at the price tag. 李平看到了一件蓝色的夹克。他看了看价钱。

How much is this skirt? I can't find a price tag on it. 这件裙子多少钱?我在上面找不到标价标签。

The value of an iPhone or an iPad is not the object itself, despite the price tag. iphone和ipad的价值并不在于设备本身,尽管它们售价不菲。

How much is it?& I can't find the price tag. 多少钱?&我找不到价格标签。

Things such as love and respect do not have a price tag. 比如像爱和尊重这类的东西没有价格标签。

Most economical offer The price of shoes is marked on the price tag. 最符合经济效益的标价鞋子的价格标在标签上。

Everything had a price tag stuck to it. 而每样东西上面都贴了个标签。

Because this price tag is for the computer. 因为这个价签是计算机的。

The price tag does not include air fares, hotels or meals. 课程价格不包含机票和食宿费用。

With an unbeatable price tag and convenient environment, what do you have to lose? 有这样得天独厚的价格和方便的环境,还有什么不放心的呢?

It refused to confirm the price tag. 该公司拒绝对价格加以证实。

You can't put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories. 你不能对爱情标价,但是你可以对它的附件标价。

You forgot to remove the masking tape price tag sticker. 你忘记除掉胶带的价格标签了。

But these days, even the magic of innovation comes with a lobbying price tag. 但时至今日,就连创新的魔力都被贴上了游说的价签。

This skirt hasn't got a price tag, how much is it? 这条裙子没有价格标签,它要多少钱?

And in today's world, a significant chunk of that price tag is information. 并在今天的世界上,一个显着大块的价格标签是信息。



a tag showing the price of the article it is attached to

TAG: 价签英文

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