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critical mass

来源: 时间:2024-09-22 00:59:00 浏览量:




(核链式反应的)临界质量the smallest amount of a substance that is needed for a nuclear chain reaction to take place


(核链式反应的)临界质量In physics, the critical mass of a substance is the minimum amount of it that is needed for a nuclear chain reaction.

N-SING (某事发生或继续所需的)足够数量A critical mass of something is an amount of it that makes it possible for something to happen or continue.Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.只有这样才能凑足参与人数。


Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached. 只有这样才能凑足参与人数。

But you need awareness, some angle to get critical mass but also so people can turn to you. 但是你们需要打响知名度,要通过一些独特的角度来获得关键的多数客户,这样才能吸引大量客户。

What's the killer feature that seems to provide critical mass for this framework? 哪种至关重要的特性为此框架提供了关键部分?

But the overall intent of UDDI can only be achieved if a critical mass of service providers is created. 但是只有服务提供者的临界物质被建立,UDDL的全部意图才能实现。

Spring is rapidly maturing and has the critical mass to be a player for the foreseeable future. Spring正在快速成熟,并将在可预见的未来成为一个参与者。

The people born in the 1980s really make up a critical mass in China. 出生于上个世纪80年代的人真正构成了中国的一种核心力量。

Their presence created a critical mass of innovation. 他们的出现引发了大量创新。

I read as much as I could find for background to my recent novel, Critical Mass. 我在写最新小说《临界物质》时,为了了解背景知识读了所有我能找到的书。

I decided that I had spent enough time on this and had a "critical mass" of features available. 我决定,我已经花了足够的时间和进行了“足够数量的可用的功能”。

But now it has achieved critical mass. 但是现在它有达成紧要关头的块。

Nuclear fission has contributed to our society some new phrases& "critical mass" and "critical size". Correlation of critical mass velocity has been provided. 原子核裂变给我们的社会带来了一些新词汇&临界质量和临界大文中还给出了临界质量流速的试验关联式。

We have a critical mass of banks. 我们已经有了数量可观的银行。

It is almost as if you have reached critical mass and the Hundredth Monkey Theory is activating. 它几乎像是你们到达了临界质量而激活了第一百只猴子理论。

Often some sort of competency center is a good approach to building a critical mass of the appropriate skills. 某种形式的能力认证中心通常是建立大量急需合适技能的好途径。

What happens when the number of students making that choice reaches a critical mass? 如果如此选择的学生变成了大多数,会怎样?

So critical mass was a consideration as well as technical excellence. 因此关键的合并既是一种考虑也是一种技术优势。

The key is to create a critical mass of leaders to usher in change. 这一切的关键在于,要培养出数量足够庞大的领导人来引导变革。

The greater the enrichment, the less the critical mass. 浓缩程度越大,临界质量越小。

The same ideas of critical size and critical mass apply to bombs. 同样的临界尺寸概念和临界质量概念适用于原子弹。

This creates what is known as a critical mass of nuclear material, which releases its energy instantaneously as atoms inside it split in an uncontrolled chain reaction. 这会造成核原料所谓的临界质量,当其中的原子在无法控制的连锁反应中分裂时,能在瞬间释放出能量。

The second reason concerns critical mass. 第二个原因跟临界点有关。

Some sort of development in matters of the heart was coming to critical mass. 一些正在发展中的核心问题来到了临界点。

Vietnam has already achieved the critical mass required to establish multi-disciplinary biotechnology research and development that meets international standards. 越南已经达到了建立满足国际标准的多学科生物技术研发的临界质量。

The next thing it hit, a year later, was critical mass. 一年以后,它进入下一个阶段,也就是临界量。

Havens in the Gulf and offshore lack the critical mass to become global financial capitals. 海湾地区和离岸的避税天堂,缺乏成为全球金融中心的关键品质。

If Tesco gambles small and wins, competitors will have time to copy it before it reaches critical mass. 如果乐购小赌一把赢了,竞争对手在它达到临界质量之前有足够时间进行仿制。

In this case, 20 percent is often a good proxy for critical mass in a household. 通常,20%的家庭拥有量是技术达到临界量的一个合理标志。

Correlation of critical mass velocity has been provided. 文中还给出了临界质量流速的试验关联式。

We've reached critical mass and there's no turning back. 我们已经到了最关键的时刻,而且没有回头路。

Nuclear fission has contributed to our society some new phrases& critical mass and critical size. 原子核裂变给我们的社会带来了一些新词汇“临界质量”和“临界大小”。



the minimum mass of fissionable material that can sustain a chain reaction

the minimum amount (of something) required to start or maintain a venture

the battle for the computer market has now reached critical mass

there is now a critical mass of successful women to take the lead

they sold the business because it lacked critical mass


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