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n.(大学导师的)个别辅导时间,辅导课; 教程; 辅导材料; 使用说明书
adj.导师的; 私人教师的; 辅导的




(大学导师的)个别辅导时间,辅导课a period of teaching in a university that involves discussion between an inpidual student or a small group of students and a tutor

教程;辅导材料;使用说明书a short book or computer program that gives information on a particular subject or explains how sth is done

An online tutorial is provided.在线辅导可供查阅。


导师的;私人教师的;辅导的connected with the work of a tutor

tutorial staff辅导人员

a tutorial college (= a private school that prepares students for exams) 私立考试辅导学校


N-COUNT (大学或学院导师的)专门指导课,辅导课In a university or college, a tutorial is a regular meeting between a tutor and one or several students, for discussion of a subject that is being studied.The methods of study include lectures, tutorials, case studies and practical sessions.学习方法包括讲课、导师辅导、个案研究与实习。

...teaching in small tutorial groups.小组辅导教学

ADJ 辅导教师的;(尤指)大学导师的Tutorial means relating to a tutor or tutors, especially one at a university or college.Students may decide to seek tutorial guidance.学生可以决定寻求导师指导。

...the tutorial staff.导师队伍


The methods of study include lectures, tutorials, case studies and practical sessions. 学习方法包括讲课、导师辅导、个案研究与实习。

Students may decide to seek tutorial guidance. 学生可以决定寻求导师指导。

You've edited, validated, and previewed your article or tutorial. 您已经完成了文章或教程的编辑、验证和预览。

There is a downloadable archived files provided with this tutorial. 随本教程提供了一个可下载的归档文件。

This tutorial uses the Prototype JavaScript library and a Jabber instant messaging server. 本教程使用了PrototypeJavaScript库和Jabber即时消息服务器。

This tutorial provides a hands-on introduction to the AWK text-processing language. 本教程为AWK文本处理语言提供了实践性的介绍。

This tutorial explains how to configure and use RJB in a Rails application. 本教程解释如何在Rails应用程序中配置和使用RJB。

This tutorial assumes some basic experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 本教程假定您具有HTML、CSS和JavaScript的一些基本经验。

In this tutorial, you use GAWK to learn the various methods of running AWK programs. 在本教程中,您将使用GAWK,以了解各种运行AWK程序的方法。

An example server is set up within this tutorial for reference. 本教程中设置了一个示例服务器,以供参考。

Most of the panels in a tutorial use this design. 教程中的大多数面板都使用这种设计。

Access the Apache Derby project tutorial that details how to download and install Apache Derby. 请访问ApacheDerby项目的教程,详细介绍了如何下载和安装ApacheDerby。

This tutorial describes how to use events and JMX facilities in conjunction with the AIDE toolkit. 本教程说明如何将事件和JMX工具与AIDE工具包一起使用。

The Derby plug-ins come with a complete tutorial and examples of how to use all of their functionality. Derby插件附带了关于如何使用这些插件的所有功能的完整的教程和例子。

It is not a tutorial on setting up and debugging. 而不是关于设置和调试的教程。

XML tutorial: A tutorial that teaches you how to start using XML in your applications. XML教程:该教程介绍了如何在您的应用程序中开始使用XML。

You should have a basic understanding of Java technology and Web services to follow along with this tutorial. 要按照本教程中的说明进行操作,您应该对Java技术和Web服务有基本的了解。

We have included the solution set in a PDF, which you can download from this tutorial. 我们把解决方案放在一个PDF中,可以从本教程下载。

I see there is a hello world tutorial and a getting started guide as well as two demo applications. 我留意到已经有了一个helloworld教程和一个入门指南以及两个示例应用。

I hope you found this tutorial fun and useful. 我希望您发现本教程的乐趣和有用的。

Hope you have enjoyed the tutorial and learned something new. 希望你喜欢这个教程并从中收获了新知识。

For this tutorial, you will create a query that retrieves sales order information from the database. 在本教程中,您将创建一个查询,用于从数据库中检索销售订单信息。

Lectures have replaced the old tutorial system. 讲座代替了旧的辅导制度。

There is an example later on in this tutorial that explains this. 本教程后面有一个例子说明这个问题。

To start this tutorial, create a directory to hold the schema and other files. 要启动本教程,请创建一个保存模式和其它文件的目录。

According to the students applied, set different training professional and tutorial system. 根据学员的应用性,设定了不同的培训专业及教程体系。

This will allow you to run the examples in this tutorial. 这使您可以运行本教程中的示例。

This is the most interesting and awesome part of this tutorial. 这是本教程中最有趣和最棒的一部门。

Hopefully this tutorial will do the same for you. 希望这个教程对你也有同样的帮助!

I hope this tutorial answers the questions that have been asked about my workflow. 我希望这对已经提出的问题对我的工作流程教程答案。



a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an inpidual or to a small number of students


of or relating to tutors or tutoring

tutorial sessions

TAG: tutorial

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