An author referring to an entry would send a ping to the advertised end-point. 作者对一个条目的引用将会导致向被告知的端点发送一个ping。
The final element,, defines a physical location for a communication end-point. 最后的元素()定义了通信端点的物理位置。
Device Layer: The IMS architecture provides a variety of choices for users to choose end-point devices. 设备层:IMS体系结构提供了各种选择,供用户选择端点设备。
In this first of a two-part series, we suggest ways to develop a service and client to invoke web services for all four service end-point patterns, using popular open source frameworks. 本系列包括两个部分,本文是第1部分,将对开发服务和客户机的方式进行建议,以便通过使用流行的开放源代码框架调用采用所有四种服务端点模式的Web服务。
The following is the interface file that was used to create our web service end-point. 下面是用于创建我们的Web服务端点的接口文件。
A is modeled as a collection of ports, where a represents the availability of a particular binding at a specific end-point. 一个是一个端口集,而代表了在特定端点进行特定绑定的可用性。
An end-point specific connection, such as a JNDI connection factory within a JNDI repository. 端点专有的连接,比如JNDI存储库中的JNDI连接工厂。
We discuss two of the patterns, request-response and one-way end-point, covering both document-style and RPC web services invocation styles. 我们将讨论其中两种模式,即请求-响应模式和单向端点模式,将同时涵盖文档样式和RPCWeb服务调用演示的内容。
Interfaces are described by interface descriptors, and endpoints are described by end-point descriptors. 接口由接口描述符描述,端点由端点描述符描述。
If most of these 'things' are some combination of smartphone satellite and cloud end-point, where is the value and control? 如果大多数‘物件’都只是智能手机的卫星产品和云的终端,那如何实现价值和控制?
The study was a double blind placebo controlled study adequately powered for OS as primary end-point. 这项研究是一项双盲,安慰剂对照的研究,以OS作为主要终止点。
The Resolver determines the end-point configuration and URI, given certain facts. 鉴于某些事实,解析器决定这儿的端点配置和URI。
Prediction model of sulfur end-point content for oxygen converter based on neural network; 将该方法应用于转炉终点磷含量预报模型,取得了较好的结果。
In Data Services an end-point is how the server listens for connections from the client. 在DataServices中,端点就是服务器监听来自客户端连接的方式。
And it is not possible to establish an end-point and associated process control parameters without careful consideration of the target and the capability of the process. 并且如果不仔细考虑工艺目标和工艺能力,是无法建立终点和与之相联系的工艺控制参数的。
This port is bound to the specified end-point. 此端口已绑定到指定端点。
End-point parameter prediction for electric arc furnace based on grey Markov-support-vector-machines 基于greyMarkov-支持向量机的电弧炉终点参数预报
One of them is dimension programming with tolerance median as the end-point coordinate value. 一种方法是用公差的中间值作为终点坐标的尺寸编程;
The application of saturation table end-point scaling technology in reservoir simulation 油藏数值模拟中饱和度端点标定技术应用
During the production, determination of SO_2 ( sulphur dioxide) in dry red wine using potentiometric titration avoids the end-point recognition difficulty compared with using iodometry method. 在生产中利用电位滴定法测定干红葡萄酒中SO2的含量,避免了直接碘量法终点识别的困难。
In2004 our company successfully developed the end point chromogenic reagent of TAL ( end-point method). 2004年我司开发研究再创新高&研制成功显色基质鲎试剂(终点法)。
The beginning of American culture is money and its end-point is art. 美国文化起点是钱而终点是艺术。
Among them, production is the jumping-off point, consumption is the end-point, allotment and exchange is medium. 消费和生产、分配、交换一起,“构成一个总体的各个环节”。
Similar to any Java Servlet end-point, each client connection requires a separate thread on the server. 与JavaServlet端点类似,每个客户端连接都需要服务器上一个单独的线程。
Rice fatty acid automatic titrator determines the titration end-point based on the color change in the titration process, and can get stable and accurate results. 稻谷脂肪酸自动滴定仪使用光学传感器以滴定过程的颜色变化为控制依据确定滴定终点,结果准确稳定,一致性好。
A formula used to define the end-point of premixed combustion duration was developed in the heat release curve of the engine. 通过从预混燃烧期的基本定义出发,在发动机放热率曲线上拟合出了用以确定预混燃烧期终点的公式。
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