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来源: 时间:2024-09-24 21:15:00 浏览量:

Pro Football Hall of Famer Terrell Owens boycotts visit to Canton: 'The damage has been done'


Feeling slighted for having to wait for his induction to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Terrell Owens skipped his ceremony in Canton, Ohio, last year.

去年,特雷尔•欧文斯(Terrell Owens)在俄亥俄州坎顿市(Canton)的颁奖典礼上缺席,因为他觉得自己不得不等待进入职业足球名人堂(Pro Football Hall of Fame),因此受到了冷落。

One year later, he told the Los Angeles Times recently that he will make the pilgrimage one day with his family, but the time is not now.


"I’m not ready yet," Owens, who was inducted in his third year of eligibility, told the newspaper. "There’s nothing they can do. The damage has been done. They can apologize, but that’s not going to change anything. Everyone knows I should have been in on the first ballot. They disrespected me, my family and my kids. I’ll go one day, but I’ll go when I’m ready.”


Owens was not present this past weekend when eight inpiduals -- including Ed Reed, Champ Bailey, Tony Gonzalez and Ty Law -- were enshrined. As is customary, many who have donned the gold jacket participate in various ceremonies at the Hall.

上周末,包括埃德·里德(Ed Reed)、查姆普·贝利(Champ Bailey)、托尼·冈萨雷斯(Tony Gonzalez)和蒂·劳(Ty Law)在内的八人被纪念,欧文斯不在现场。按照惯例,许多穿金色夹克的人会参加在大厅举行的各种仪式。

When Owens retired, he ranked second all-time behind Jerry Rice in receiving yards and touchdown catches (he now ranks third in all three). Owens believes his career warranted induction on the first ballot.


“The first year comes and goes and I tried not to take it personally,” Owens said. “My stats were what they were and weren’t going to change. The second year comes up and Marvin Harrison gets in and I don’t when my statistics are better than his. Now it’s a slap in the face. You’re now denying me what I’ve rightfully earned. You’re disrespecting me and everything I’ve done in my career. You’re denying me something I deserve for your personal opinion and that’s what went into doing my own thing. You’re not going to tell me twice I’m not worthy of what I was worthy of from the start and tell me what to do.”


Last year, Owens became the first Hall of Famer to skip his own induction ceremony and held a simultaneous celebration at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, his alma mater.


TAG: terrell owens

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