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来源: 时间:2024-09-24 22:24:51 浏览量:




未经许可(或批准)的without official permission

No access for unauthorized personnel.未经允许不得入内。


in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用unauthorised

ADJ 未经授权的;未经许可的If something is unauthorized, it has been produced or is happening without official permission....a new unauthorized biography of the Russian President.一本新的未经授权的俄罗斯总统传记

...the unauthorized use of a military vehicle...未经许可使用军车

It has also been made quite clear that the trip was unauthorised.此行并未得到授权,这一点也已经说得相当明白了。


Nations react strongly to unauthorized overflights. 各国对未经授权的飞越领空行为都会作出激烈反应。

Unauthorized vehicles will be wheel clamped or towed away. 未经许可停放的车辆将会被轮夹锁住或拖走。

No unauthorized changes be made. 不得擅自修改。

All rights reserved; those responsible for unauthorized reproduction will be prosecuted. 版权所有,翻印必究。

Unauthorized duplication is forbidden. 未经授权,不得翻录。

No unauthorized changes may be made in the rules of operation. 不得擅自修改操作规程。

In data security, an unauthorized disclosure or loss of sensitive Information. 数据安全中指非授权的泄露或掉失了敏感的信息。

In CSRF attacks, unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the Web site trusts. 在CSRF攻击中,从Web站点信任的用户处传播未经授权的命令。

It involves constructing and analyzing protocols that prevent unauthorized access. 加密涉及到构造和分析用来防止未经授权访问的协议。

Physical access to your servers and your databases may be compromised allowing an unauthorized user to access them. 对服务器和数据库的物理访问可能受到危害,使未授权用户得以访问它们。

Every database management system must be able to protect data against unauthorized access and modification. 每个数据库管理系统都必须能保护数据不会受到未授权访问和修改。

This ensures that users cannot access unauthorized data. 这可确保用户无法访问未经授权的数据。

Integrity: the system will prevent unauthorized changing of information(" can't change"). 完整性:系统将防止在未授权情况下更改信息(“不能更改”)。

It also has the security features to prevent unauthorized classes from retrieving personal information. 它还拥有阻止未授权类检索个人信息的安全特性。

Access Can an unauthorized user successfully access a control that only the administrators are authorized to use? 访问一个未经授权的用户能成功访问只有经过授权的管理员才能使用的控制权吗?

Data must be protected from unauthorized access and modification. 防止对数据进行未授权的访问和更改。

Guardium solutions use policy-based controls to quickly detect and report unauthorized or suspicious activity. Guardium解决方案使用基于策略的控件来快速探测和报告未授权的或可疑的行为。

Specify a user name and password to prevent unauthorized access to the network resource. 指定用户名和密码以阻止匿名访问网络资源。

Consul software tracks employee behavior and unauthorized access of company records. 领事软件铁轨雇员的行为和擅自获取的公司记录。

Please respect the creative efforts and intellectual property of others, and do not link to unauthorized materials. 请尊重别人的创造成果和知识产权,不要和没申请过的材料联系在一起。

Incidents can include unauthorized access, malicious code ( such as viruses), network probes, and denial-of-service attacks. 事件可能包括未授权访问,恶意代码(如计算机病毒),网络探测,拒绝服务攻击。

Sites should take reasonable steps to protect personal data from unauthorized access. 网站应采取合理的步骤保护个人资料,使其免受未经授权的取得和使用。

Bridge may deny service and discard frames to prevent network access by unauthorized devices. 网桥可以拒绝服务并且丢弃数据包,以阻止未授权设备对网络的访问。

This software can be used to prevent your email data from being stolen or damaged by unauthorized users. 它可以防止你的邮件数据被窃取或者遭到未授权用户的破坏。

Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms, and Patent Cooperating Treaty. 《保护录音制品制作者防止未经许可复制其录音制品公约》和《专利合作条约》。

Most of the time, its content is not protected against unauthorized access from the users in this infrastructure. 大多数时间,不会针对此基础设施内的用户的非授权访问对其内容进行保护。

Abuse of authority, unauthorized handling and shielding, shielding people responsible for the accident. 滥用职权、擅自处理和袒护、包庇事故责任人的。

Valuable assets, including intellectual assets and information, are protected from unauthorized access or use. 有价值的资产,包括知识产权和信息,非经授权不得使用。

Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this email is strictly forbidden. 其中任一未批准复制,材料的透露或发行在这电子邮件严密地禁止。

Unauthorized use, or attempts to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network. 非法使用,或试图回避或绕过信息系统或网络的安全机制。



not endowed with authority


without official authorization

an unauthorized strike

wildcat work stoppage


TAG: unauthorized

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