
来源: 时间:2024-09-24 23:25:00 浏览量:

v.使振作; 打扮; 竖起




(工资之外的)补贴,津贴,额外待遇something you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job

Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance.公司给予的额外待遇包括一辆汽车和免费健康保险。

Not having to get up early is just one of the perks of being retired.不必早起只是退休生活的好处之一。




N-COUNT 补贴;津贴;额外待遇Perks are special benefits that are given to people who have a particular job or belong to a particular group....a company car, private medical insurance and other perks...公司配车、提供私人医疗保险以及其他额外待遇

One of the perks of being a student is cheap travel.当学生的好处之一是旅行购票可以优惠。


One of the perks of being a student is cheap travel. 当学生的好处之一是旅行购票可以优惠。

Psychological twists perk up an otherwise predictable story line. 心理转折使原本老套的故事情节变得生动有趣。

House prices could perk up during the autumn 秋季房价可能上涨。

Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined. 所有能够为公司节省开支、增加流动资金的办法都研究过了。

The biggest star perk, and the biggest power trip, must be the private plane. 顶级的明星待遇和无上的权力体验肯定要数私人飞机了。

One perk missing from that list: daycare for kids. 但其中却惟独缺少了一项福利:儿童日托。

A morning caffeine fix might do more than perk you up – it could save your life. 每日清晨一杯香醇的咖啡不仅能使你精神为之一振,有时候可能还会挽救你的生命。

The point is that they are a perk and a reward. 关键是,它是额外待遇和奖励。

Buying short sales also came with another perk: bigger discounts. 购买短售房还有另一个好处,即折扣幅度更大。

I need a stiff drink to perk me up! 我需要喝点酒来提一提神。

You need a cup of coffee or a cold drink to perk you up. 你要喝一杯咖啡或一杯冷饮来提精神。

Money will be a big focus this month, and you will need to do the best you can until your prospects perk up in January. 这笔钱将一大焦点的这个月,你将需要做,直到你的前景重新振作起来的最好的月份即可。

My idea of the ultimate perk is a car. 我想最大的外快就是一辆汽车。

Another perk of open source is that the software actually evolves and gets more secure over time. 开放源码另一个优点是:软件实际上随时间发展并变得更为安全。

A cup of coffee will soon perk you up. 你喝一杯咖啡马上精神会振作起来。

At the Central Perk coffee shop in Beijing, you can get a taste of the United States. 在北京的中央公园咖啡馆,你可以领略美国风情。

After a little while my mood started to perk up and now I'm back to normal. 过了一段时间,我的心情开始愉快起来,现在我回到了正常状态。

Where can I find a cheap coffee perk for my dorm room? 哪儿可以找到在我宿舍使用的廉价滤式咖啡壶呢?

One of the sheep continued listless and inactive for days, but began to perk up this morning. 有一只羊几天来老是没精打采的,可是今天早上开始活跃起来了。

Fall, and So, I perk up again, will be the tears of sweat, hard to learn, do not ask, and again finally achieved excellent examination results. 摔倒了,再爬起来!于是,我又重新振作了起来,将泪水化着汗水,勤奋学习,不懂就问,终于在又一次的考试中取得了优异的成绩。

If your morning beverage of choice is coffee, recent research provides an extra perk. 如果你早上选择喝咖啡,最新的研究会让你对咖啡有一个全新的看法。

With the Light Step perk, you'll never set off an enemy's mines or floor-based traps. 与轻步咖啡馆里,你永久也不会掀起了仇敌的地雷或落地式的圈套。

You looked tired; you'd better have a cup of coffee to perk yourself up. 你看上去很累,来杯咖啡振作一下吧。

I need a smoke to perk me up. 我需要抽根烟来提提神。

A nagging oversupply of houses and record-low home-builder confidence suggest new-home sales won't perk up soon, either. 房屋始终供大于求和房屋建筑商信心处于历史低位,表明新屋销售也不会很快复苏。

It's time to pay attention to home, as Mars is now in Scorpio and will perk up your home space beautifully. 这时候要注意家中,因为火星是现在在天蝎座和会振作起来你家的空间很漂亮。

CLAIRE: Don't worry, I gave him a little caffeine: he'll perk up. 克莱尔:别担心,我给了他一点咖啡因:他会精神抖擞的。

Would you like a cup of coffee? It might perk you up a bit. 你想要杯咖啡吗?它也许能给你提提精神。

Will this help to perk up sales? 这样做是否有助于活跃销路?


perk up

1. (使)振奋;(使)活跃;(使)快活2. 使更有趣3. (使)增加;(使)上涨;(使)增值


perk up

perk sb↔up

(使)振奋,活跃,快活to become or to make sb become more cheerful or lively, especially after they have been ill/sick or sad

perk up

perk sth↔up

上扬;增加;使增值to increase, or to make sth increase in value, etc.

perk sth↔up

使更有趣;使更诱人to make sth more interesting, more attractive, etc.



an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right)

a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job

Synonym:fringe benefitperquisite


gain or regain energy

I picked up after a nap

Synonym:perk uppercolatepick upgain vigor

TAG: perk

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