n.老鼠; 耗子; 鼠标
老鼠;耗子a small animal that is covered in fur and has a long thin tail. Mice live in fields, in people's houses or where food is stored.
a field mouse田鼠
a house mouse家鼠
The stores were overrun with rats and mice.仓库里到处都是大大小小的老鼠。
She crept upstairs, quiet as a mouse .她像耗子一样悄悄地爬上楼去。
He was a weak little mouse of a man.他是个懦弱无能的人。
鼠标a small device that is moved by hand across a surface to control the movement of the cursor on a computer screen
Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program.双击鼠标左键来加亮突出这个程序。
Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position.用鼠标将图标拖到一个新的位置。
The plural mouses can be used for meaning 2.复数 mouses 可用于义项2。
N-COUNT 老鼠;耗子A mouse is a small furry animal with a long tail....a mouse running in a wheel in its cage.在笼中转轮上奔跑的老鼠
...the problem of rats and mice.鼠患鼠标A mouse is a device that is connected to a computer. By moving it over a flat surface and pressing its buttons, you can move the cursor around the screen and do things without using the keyboard.
game of cat and mouse → see: cat
This is not a Mickey Mouse course where every player has a chance 这可不是哪个选手都有机会上的烂场地。
There's nothing Mickey Mouse about the 1993 version 1993年的版本一点儿也不简单。
The whole thing is somehow a bit Mickey Mouse. 不知怎的,整件事情有点幼稚。
After three hours of playing cat and mouse, they threatened to open fire on our vessel, so we stopped 玩了3个小时的猫捉老鼠后,他们威胁说要向我们的船上开火,所以我们就停了下来。
Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size. 用鼠标拖动图片,将其调整为新的尺寸。
It's a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I'm the mouse. 在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠。
Highlight the chosen area by clicking and holding down the left mouse button. 点击并摁住鼠标左键将所选区域高亮显示。
There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used 在许多地方有了改进,例如,鼠标的左右键都可以使用了。
Do not let your mountain in labour bring forth a mouse. 你不要弄得事倍功半。
A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家是狮子,出门成老鼠。
He remained a mouse in public affairs. 在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。
He is as poor as a church mouse. 他一贫如洗。
A cat pounces on a mouse. 猫会猛扑过去抓住老鼠。
Are you a man or a mouse? 你是男子汉还是胆小鬼?
This mouse is very big. 这只老鼠很大。
He thought he heard a mouse under the bed, and got down on all fours to have a look. 他好像听见床底下有老鼠的声音,就趴在地上看了一下。
"look!" he said suddenly as if he'd decided to cut short the cat and mouse game. “瞧!”他突然说到,似乎他已决定结束这场欲擒故纵的把戏。
The mouse had hardly come out when the cat caught it. 老鼠刚一露头儿就给猫逮住了。
A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家如狮,在外如鼠。
A mouse scared her out of her wits. 一只老鼠把她吓得魂不附体。
A mouse is a small animal. 老鼠是一种小动物。
A mouse scuttled behind the curtain. 一只老鼠从窗帘后面跑走了。
Soon the mouse became the cat's capture. 很快老鼠就成了猫的战利品。
Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar. 将鼠标光标移向菜单栏。
This can be copied to the clipboard by double clicking the first mouse button. 通过双击第一个鼠标按钮可以将其复制到剪贴板中。
The mouse condition is related to immune system cells called microglia. 小鼠出现强迫症状态与免疫系统中的小胶质细胞有关。
324. The mouse's tearing the blouse and trousers aroused the housewife's anger. 324.老鼠撕咬短衫和裤子激起了主妇的怒火。
You can record the events of mouse and keyboard, and replay at the speed you desire with AMS. 您可以记录的事件,鼠标和键盘,和重放时的速度,使您的愿望与医疗辅助队。
I find the trousers and blouse are in the mouse's mouth. 我发现裤子和衬衫在老鼠嘴里。
We've been playing cat and mouse. 我们在玩猫和老鼠。
play (a game of) cat and mouse with sb
play a cat-and-mouse game with sb
和某人玩起猫捉老鼠的游戏;耍弄to play a cruel game with sb in your power by changing your behaviour very often, so that they become nervous and do not know what to expect
any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails
a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad
a mouse takes much more room than a trackball
Synonym:computer mouse
person who is quiet or timid
a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye
Synonym:shinerblack eye
manipulate the mouse of a computer
to go stealthily or furtively
..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house
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