大号(低音铜管乐器)a large brass musical instrument that you play by blowing, and that produces low notes
大号A tuba is a large musical instrument of the brass family which produces very low notes. It consists of a long metal tube folded round several times with a wide opening at the end.
Trombones sharply pronounce a d, followed by tuba and oboe in a sudden diminuendo. 长号尖锐地吹出一个d音,之后是大号和双簧管的突然的渐弱演奏。
It's a tuba thing, shorty. 这是大号手穿的,比较短。
Less genially, Tuba's youths protested against the torching of their mosque by vandalising the town council building. 图巴的年轻人很激进的用摧毁他们镇理事会的建筑的方式来抗议他们的清真寺被烧毁。
With characteristics of low porosity and low permeability in reservoir in Tuba, most wells can be developed economically only by stimulation. 吐哈油田储层普遍具低孔低渗特性,相当部分井只有通过增产改遣措施,才能获得商业开发价值。
Just as Double Bass in strings family and Tuba in winds family. 就像弦乐中的低音大提琴和管乐中的大号一样。
The students who played larger instruments even got to keep one instrument at home, and another at school so they didn't have to cart their tuba on the bus everyday. 那些演奏体积较大乐器的学生甚至能在家放一件,学校放一件,这样他们就不必每天在公车上扛着大号。
And now came the hymns of priests, the dance of savages, accompanied by the noise of drums, and of the wooden tuba. Egypt's cloud-aspiring pyramids, overthrown pillars, and sphinxes sailed by. 高入云霄的埃及金字塔、倾颓的柱子和人面狮身雕像都一一从船只的旁边掠过去了。
So, it may be somebody without a great SAT score, without a great GPA but who's really damn good at the tuba. 因此,可能一个没有很高的SAT分数,GPA也不太好的,但大号吹的非常棒的人就被选中。
But I thought I could play the tuba, blow a few minds. 可是我想我能演奏低音喇叭,吹一小段。
Of course, Taishan orchestral instrument not only produces clarinet, oboe, trombone, trumpet, horn and tuba, and also has exclamation mark! 当然,泰山管乐不光生产单簧管、双簧管、长号、小号、圆号、抱号,还有感叹号!
Did you just whack me with your tuba? 你抱着你那喇叭打我?
You happen to notice the tuba player that rolled off your hood? 你知道你几乎将喇叭手铲起?
China trombone tuba Association. 中国长号大号协会理事。
He was not tall, his eyes large and bright, especially his long with two large ears and two thick lips, and looked like a tuba's bell. 他个子不高,眼睛又大又亮,尤其是他长着两只大耳朵和两片厚嘴唇,活像一个大号的铃铛。
From chifeng, to be good at tuba playing, music teacher. 来自赤峰,擅长大号,音乐教师。
Did anyone buy a tuba from you very recently? 最近你这里有人来买过大号吗?
In this paper, thought and countermeasures and applications of snubbing operation technique of pump wells in Tuba oilfield are introduced. 该文介绍了吐哈油田抽油并不压并作业技术路线、对策和应用情况。
Gas injection immiscible displacement has been selected to improve recovery efficiency in Wenwu block of Tuba oilfield. 温五区块是吐哈油田利用注气非混相驱提高采收率的试验区块。
The appearances of the Baritone and Euphonium resemble the tuba so much that they can be looked upon as small size tubas. 上低音号及粗管上低音号的外形极像大号,故此有人称它们为「缩水」大号。
I joined the institute band, blowing the tuba and French horn, besides being elected as an active learner of Mao Zhedong's Works in the institute and also the supervisor of the dormitory. 我已经成为班级的活跃分子,除了被选为学院的学习毛著积极分子、集体宿舍的舍长外,还参加了学校的军乐队,吹起了大号和圆号。
Whose Tuba is that anyway? 这个大号到底是谁的?
Shanle oilfield is an ultra-low permeability coal series interbred reservoir in Tuba field with special geo-logic condition and complex structures. 鄯勒油田是吐哈油区的一个特低渗煤系互层油藏,地质条件特殊,构造复杂。
A bass tuba that coils over the shoulder of the musician. 可套在演奏家肩上的低音大号。
Bombardon: a brass instrument resembling a tuba but with a lower pitch; a bass or contrabass tuba. 低音大号:一种与大号相似却音调较低的铜管乐器;低音或最低音大号。
My name's charles, and I play the tuba. 我叫查尔斯,我吹大号的。
A reed stop in an organ, having eight-foot pitch. a bass tuba that coils over the shoulder of the musician. 低音大号音栓风琴里的簧管音栓,有八个音高可套在演奏家肩上的低音大号。
Finally, this method is applied to three different structure oilfield of Tuba Basin for predicting oil and gas deposits, the results of predicting oil and gas deposits fit in practical data of the oilfield. 最后,本文以吐哈盆地为例,用速度谱特征分析方法对三个不同构造背景的油田进行含油气储层预测,其结果与油田的实际资料是相吻合的。
Methods: C/ C and CCH implants were implanted the tuba of 14 rabbits which were killed at 4th, 8th, 16th week. 方法:将C/C和CCH种植体植入14只兔胫骨内,分别于术后4、8、16周处死动物。
the lowest brass wind instrument
Synonym:bass hornsousaphone
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