adj.英勇的; 勇敢的; 果敢的; 坚定的
n.勇敢的人; 勇士
英勇的;勇敢的;果敢的;坚定的very brave or determined
valiant warriors勇敢的武士
She made a valiant attempt not to laugh.她试图强忍住不笑出来。
ADJ-GRADED 勇敢的;果决的;无畏的A valiant action is very brave and determined, though it may lead to failure or defeat.Despite valiant efforts by the finance minister, inflation rose to 36%.尽管财政部部长采取了一系列果决措施,通货膨胀率还是涨到了36%。
...a valiant attempt to keep the business going.为把生意维持下去而作的勇敢尝试双语例句
They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat 他们说起自己设法使油轮漂浮的英勇之举时非常谦虚。
He mourned for his valiant men 他向他的勇士们致哀。
Despite valiant efforts by the finance minister, inflation rose to 36%. 尽管财政部部长采取了一系列果决措施,通货膨胀率还是涨到了36%。
A valiant assault force does not fear a strong fortress. 攻坚不怕堡垒硬。
This was the last time I saw this valiant frenchman. 这是我最后一次见到这位英勇的法国人了。
He had the fame of being very valiant. 他的勇敢是出名的。
Let's hail to the valiant victors. 让我们向勇敢的胜利者致敬!
He made a valiant attempt to rescue the child. 他勇敢地试着去救那孩子。
Valiant teaches computer science and applied mathematics at Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Valiant教授目前在哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院教授计算机科学和应用数学的课程。
It was our first duty to give loyal support to General de Gaulle in his valiant constancy. 戴高乐将军英勇不屈,百折不回。我们首要的任务就是要始终不渝地支持他。
What are you going to do to me, valiant? 你会对我怎么样,英雄?
The doctor's valiant efforts finally saved the child's life. 医生无畏的努力终于挽救了孩子的生命。
But the forbearance shown by a valiant and brave person is true forgiveness. 但是及其勇敢者所表现出的忍耐是真正的宽恕。
Somebody fought a valiant fight; 有人曾英勇地进行战斗;
They joined hands in a valiant struggle against the racists. 他们联合起来和种族主义分子进行了英勇的斗争。
Hero of the State of Oceania,,, A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. 他是大洋国政府的英雄。自家粪堆上,公鸡称英雄。
Venice's valiant crusade against unsuitably dressed tourists is being closely watched elsewhere in europe. 欧洲其他地区密切注视着威尼斯对衣着不雅游客的奋勇讨伐。
They wanna sell the valiant. I love that car. 他们打算把那勇者车给卖了。我很喜欢那车的。
Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you/ Against the general enemy Ottoman. 英勇的奥瑟罗,我们必须立刻派你去向我们的公敌土耳其人作战。
She made a valiant attempt to laugh. 她放大了胆笑了起来。
Others from the golden age are the medieval adventurer Prince Valiant and the mysterious, masked Phantom. 还有中世纪冒险家华伦王子和神秘的面具幽灵。
He made a valiant attempt to rescue the struggling victim. 他勇敢地试图救出正在挣扎的受害人。
A valiant man's look is more than a coward's sword. 勇士的神色胜过懦夫的刀剑。
The garrison general in this position is matchlessly valiant, it will be very difficult to conquer it. 这个阵地的守将英勇无比,要想攻克,很不容易。
There's always a place for a few valiant birds. 总有地方适合这些勇敢的鸟儿。
I give you queen Lucy the valiant. 我封你为勇敢女王露西。
Despite a valiant chase from Zar Lawrence the speedy South African raced in under the posts. 尽管有从扎·劳伦斯的勇敢追逐快南非跑了在在柱子下面。
But those fighting for no reason are not valiant. 但是毫无理由的打架并不代表勇敢。
English sentence necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant. 需要和机会可以使懦夫变得大胆。
Martin makes a valiant effort on the latter score, but it rings hollow. 马丁在这方面做出了勇敢的努力,但听起来有点空洞。
having or showing valor
a valiant attempt to prevent the hijack
a valiant soldier
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