adj.单行的; 单向的; 单方面的; 单向进行的
单行的;单向的moving or allowing movement in only one direction
单行的;单向的moving or allowing movement in only one direction
单方面的;单向进行的operating in only one direction
Theirs was a one-way relationship (= one person made all the effort) .他们的关系是一头热。
They observed the prisoners through a one-way mirror (= a mirror that allows a person standing behind it to see through it) .他们透过单向镜子监视犯人。
ADJ 单行的;单向的In one-way streets or traffic systems, vehicles can only travel along in one direction.He zoomed through junctions without stopping and sped the wrong way down a one-way street.他停都不停地冲过交叉路口,然后错拐进了一条单行道逆向飞驰。
ADJ (旅行)单程的One-way describes journeys which go to just one place, rather than to that place and then back again.The trailers will be rented for one-way trips...这些拖车式活动房将供单程旅行租用。
ADJ (车票或票价)单程的A one-way ticket or fare is for a journey from one place to another, but not back again....a one-way ticket from New York to Los Angeles.从纽约到洛杉矶的单程票
One-way is also an adverb.Unrestricted fares will be increased as much as $80 one-way.弹性票价单程上浮最高可达80美元。in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 single
ADJ (必定)通往…的,导致…的If you say that a course of action is a one-way ticket to a place or situation, or is a one-way journey there, you are sure that it will lead to the place or situation mentioned.It seemed like a one-way ticket to riches, but then it all went wrong...这看起来是一举致富的良机,但到后来所有的一切都出了岔子。
Smoking is a one-way ticket to doom and is probably the most important single preventable cause of heart disease.吸烟注定会带来恶果,它或许是最主要的而且是唯一一个可以预防的心脏病诱因。ADJ (玻璃或镜子)单向的,单面的One-way glass or a one-way mirror is a piece of glass which acts as a mirror when looked at from one side, but acts as a window when looked through from the other side. They are used for watching people without their knowledge.From the observation booth, we watched Ted and his therapist through the one-way glass.我们在观察室透过单向玻璃注视着特德和他的治疗师。
PHRASE 单向付出的关系;单方受益的协议If you describe an agreement or a relationship as a one-way street, you mean that only one of the sides in the agreement or relationship is offering something or is benefitting from it.The experience of the last 10 years has shown that, for the Eurosceptics, loyalty is a one-way street; something you demand but do not give...过去10年的经验表明,忠诚对于欧盟怀疑论者而言是单向的,他们仅会索取不会给予。
So trade between the two nations has been something of a one-way street, with Cuba deriving the benefit.所以在两国的双边贸易中可以说只有古巴从中受惠。双语例句
There are hefty charges across the board for one-way rental 各处对单程租赁的收费都很高。
They had enough cash for a one-way ticket 他们有足够的钱买单程票。
He zoomed through junctions without stopping and sped the wrong way down a one-way street. 他停都不停地冲过交叉路口,然后错拐进了一条单行道逆向飞驰。
The trailers will be rented for one-way trips 这些拖车式活动房将供单程旅行租用。
It seemed like a one-way ticket to riches, but then it all went wrong 这看起来是一举致富的良机,但到后来所有的一切都出了岔子。
Smoking is a one-way ticket to doom and is probably the most important single preventable cause of heart disease. 吸烟注定会带来恶果,它或许是最主要的而且是唯一一个可以预防的心脏病诱因。
From the observation booth, we watched Ted and his therapist through the one-way glass. 我们在观察室透过单向玻璃注视着特德和他的治疗师。
The experience of the last 10 years has shown that, for the Eurosceptics, loyalty is a one-way street; something you demand but do not give 过去10年的经验表明,忠诚对于欧盟怀疑论者而言是单向的,他们仅会索取不会给予。
So trade between the two nations has been something of a one-way street, with Cuba deriving the benefit. 所以在两国的双边贸易中可以说只有古巴从中受惠。
One-way street [ traffic]. 单行线,车辆不得逆行。
The street is for one-way traffic only. 这条路只能单行。
A poignant sense engulfed him of the one-way flow of time. 他深感到岁月流逝,一去不回。
The method of releasing tokens differs for request-response and one-way calls. 发行令牌的方法因请求-响应和单向调用而不同。
In one-way mode, the token is assigned following the same mechanism as for request-response. 在单向模式中,令牌的分配机制和请求-响应模式一样。
Most of this article has discussed one-way encryption using crypt(). 本文的大部分篇幅讨论了使用crypt()的单向加密。
Both models also provide a method for invoking one-way Web service operations via the invokeOneWay method. 这两个模型都提供了用于通过invokeOneWay方法调用单向Web服务操作的方法。
Clients can also use two one-way transports or two two-way transports. 客户机还可以使用两个单向传输或两个双向传输。
We have gone through the request-response and one-way patterns of web service end-points. 在本文中,我们对Web服务端点的请求-响应模式和单向模式进行了详细的讨论。
Both request-response and one-way service calls must be throttled and dispatched. 必须同时对请求-响应和单向服务调用进行节流和分派。
This is a one-way process from which you cannot get the original string back. 这是一个单向过程,您无法从中获得原始字符串。
A traffic accident occurred in the one-way street. 单行道上发生了交通事故。
The study found that the learning was not all one-way. 这项研究发现,学习并不总是单向的。
This is one-way street. 这是单行道。
The Optimal Sequences of the one-way trip Jeep-Fuel Station problem and the round trip Jeep-Fuel station problem are determined. 利用最优序列方法研究了吉普-加油站问题,确定了单向行驶吉普-加油站问题和往返行驶吉普-加油站问题的最优序列。
A one-way valve can also be constituted as a compound valve with other control valves. 单向阀还可与其他控制阀组成复合阀,也被广泛地用于液压系统中。
She bought a one-way ticket to Seattle. 她买了一张去西雅图的单程票。
There is a one-way dependency between EJB3.0 and JPA. EJB3.0和JPA之间是单向依赖。
It's a one-way communication system. 这是一个单向的通信系统。
You can create one-way or two-way trusts. 您可创建单向或双向信任。
This is a one-way street. 这里是单行道。
moving or permitting movement in one direction only
one-way streets
a one-way ticket
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