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来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-09-25 19:12:48 浏览量:

adj.不大的; 不坚固的; 不重要的; 非真实的; 非实体的; 虚幻的



不大的;不坚固的;不重要的not very large, strong or important

an insubstantial construction of wood and glue用木头和胶粘合的简单构造

an insubstantial argument不充实的论据

非真实的;非实体的;虚幻的not real or solid

as insubstantial as a shadow虚无缥缈


ADJ-GRADED 不大的;不坚固的;脆弱的Something that is insubstantial is not large, solid, or strong.Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide...火星的大气层极其稀薄,几乎全部由二氧化碳构成。

Her limbs were insubstantial, almost transparent.她的四肢非常纤细,几乎是透明的。


Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide 火星的大气层极其稀薄,几乎全部由二氧化碳构成。

Her limbs were insubstantial, almost transparent. 她的四肢非常纤细,几乎是透明的。

Cotton T-shirts and gauzy skirts aren't the only things that feel flimsy when the temperature drops& a lightweight face lotion seems equally insubstantial. 当天气转冷时,不仅棉T恤和纱裙会显得太薄,脸上只擦一薄层润肤露也是不够的。

Water also is insubstantial; by that I mean you cannot grasp hold of it, you cannot punch it and hurt it. 水也是没有实体的,这样说是指你无法抓住水,你无法击打它、伤害它。

Behind the veneer, commercial interests are vying furiously for gold. The sums involved make Russian weightlifters look insubstantial. 在这种掩饰背后,商业利益为金钱展开了猛烈的争夺,所涉金额庞大得连俄罗斯举重选手都相形见绌。

It seems both vast and insubstantial at the same time. 这个问题似乎很大,同时又很虚。

When Iceland began to melt down, so to speak, it became clear that the backing of the Icelandic central bank was insubstantial. 当冰岛开始“融化”时,人们清楚地认识到,冰岛央行的支持并不牢靠。

Perhaps this is why senior managers have been slow to take the question of corporate reputation seriously. It seems both vast and insubstantial at the same time. 或许,这就是为什么高管们一直没有认真对待企业声誉问题的原因。这个问题似乎很大,同时又很虚。

The Asia-Pacific region has received insubstantial volumes. 而亚太地区得到的数量不大。

She wore a pale, floating dress and looked wraithlike and insubstantial. 她穿着一件浅色的,飘动着的连衣裙,看上去像幽灵一样,虚无缥缈。

Objcts with no collision data are insubstantial and the train will pass through them. 没有碰撞数据的物体,在游戏中将被认为是虚幻的,如果碰撞在一起,列车将穿过它们。

Imaginary and insubstantial victories; 臆想和空想的胜利;

Finite personalities are insubstantial fragments of this engulfing spiritual unity. 有限的人格是这种兼容并包的精神统一的非实体的碎片。

His world is, on the whole, made wonderfully interesting. But it is insubstantial. 他的世界大体说来写得非常有趣。但是虚构的。

He moved though the house, as silent and insubstantial as a shadow. 他穿过房子,像安静而又虚幻的影子一样。

An insubstantial or vague semblance. 不实在的模糊的表象。

Some of the other campers werein swimming, along the shore, one of them with a cake of soap, and the waterfelt thin and clear and insubstantial. 沿岸有度假者在游泳,其中一人带着一块香皂,湖水清澈透明,人仿佛是游在虚空之中。

Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue. 早期的飞行器是木头和胶粘合的脆弱机器。

Art space is insubstantial, but it is real art quality. Therefore, the two dimensionality is access to art feild. 艺术空间都是虚幻的,是艺术的空间,而二维性是接近艺术本质的。

A good, if rather insubstantial, first novel. 虽有些差强人意,也算是第一本好小说。

Ingenious applications of substantial and insubstantial blows are incorporated in the movements and forces of Wushu. 巧妙应用程序的大量和虚的打击是在运动和力的武术成立为法团的。

It's really insubstantial information though, because anyone that understands the Blizzard dEVElopment process and core values we're all about iterating. It's not done until it's done. 但是这条信息是完全失实的,因为任何了解暴雪的开发进程以及我们所一直重复的核心价值观的人都知道,在它完成之前绝不说完成。

In the process of binding with the film aesthetic and applying the traditional culture, Chinese film is able to build it's own the mutual promotion between the substantial and the insubstantial and conception beyond images. 在与电影美学的契合中,在弘扬传统文化的过程中,中国电影能够构建出虚实相生、境生象外的美学品格。

Sound of birds in landscape is important aspect of insubstantial scene, reflecting the ecological property of landscape. 园林设计中鸟声是园林虚景的重要方面,同时也是生态园林的具体体现。

And based upon the view of substantial vs. insubstantial from philosophy and aesthetics, by integrating the theoretic discuss with case analysis, the thesis demonstrates why the artistic point of substantial vs. insubstantial will exist. 并基于哲学、美学中的虚实观点,通过理论论述与案例分析相结合的方式论证了虚实艺术观为什么会存在的问题。

The biggest problem is that their own brands of these companies were weak and insubstantial, so the best solution out of the woods for those companies is to build their own brands as soon as possible. 这些企业最大的问题在于自主品牌的虚弱及缺失,而尽快建立自己的品牌是它们走出困境的最佳选择。

At same time, peer language plays constructive role on persifying insubstantial course, dynamic of static program and dominance of hidden curriculum. 并且同侪语言对课程具有一元课程多元化、静态课程动态化和隐性课程显性化的建设作用。

In the rapid developing era, the concrete economic activities have been replaced by the new and insubstantial activities, and the rights is transforming into the securities, which are more abstract and liquid. 飞速发展的信息时代,实实在在的经济活动被虚拟成全新的形式,权利成了更为抽象而极具流动性的证券。

Under the influence of demanding energy crisis, bioenergy research has resulted insubstantial development. 在愈演愈烈的能源危机影响下,生物能源的研究得到长足发展。

With the more obvious trend of securitization, the growth of the insubstantial economy driven by securitization is becoming the leading sector in the whole economic growth, and the security is becoming one of the major means people possess the wealth. 证券化的趋势日渐明显,由证券化推动形成的虚拟经济正成长为经济发展的主导部分,而证券也逐步成为人们拥有财富的重要方式。



lacking material form or substance

as insubstantial as a dream

an insubstantial mirage on the horizon


lacking in nutritive value

the jejune diets of the very poor


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