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feed on的意思

来源: 时间:2024-09-26 00:56:23 浏览量:

feed on 是什么意思及中文翻译:
动词(v.) 以…为食,以…为能源
包含feed on的单词
spoonfeed 勺子喂
nonfeeding (昆虫等在蛰伏期或休眠期)不进食的
spoon-feed 用匙喂,填鸭式教育
spoon-feeds 用匙喂,填鸭式教育( spoon-feed的第三人称单数 )
spoon-feeding 用匙喂,填鸭式教育( spoon-feed的现在分词 )
vegetation-feeder 植被-饲料
feed on 相关例句
that feed on our agricultural crops.
Effects of Adding Amino Acid in Feed on Fish Growth
Even cattle, which feed on alfalfa, depend on bees.
Camels feed on carnations on a farm in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip.
Attract baIt'shrimp, lion fish to be active to feed on shrimp swimming.
鱼饵引来虾类, 拟狮子鱼活跃地游动捕食小虾。
Study on the Digestion of Daily Feed on Different Months of Growing Male Cows
Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars and starches that remain on your teeth after eating.
Influence of ration of concentrated and bulky feed on ingestion action and feed conversion in ruminant
Effect of compound feed on the growing characteristics and feed nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing pigs
very large yellowishbrown American silkworm moth with large eye spots on hind wings larvae feed on fruit and shade trees.
蚕蛾, 每只后翅上有象大眼斑幼虫吃果树和遮荫树。

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